"You don't know my students. You don't know how impulsive and reckless they are. Don't judge them all by Jacen. Kyp Durron killed millions. And this was your responsibility. The situation was complex. I was paralyzed, and Kyp was under the control of...."
"- You mean to say that it was not your responsibility. "
"I could have been more aware of the situation. There's so much I could have done"
"- So it is your responsibility."
" The next time it will be! The next time one of my students is swept away on a dark whirlwind and catastrophe results, it will be my fault!"
" Of course it would not be your fault. You are a Jedi Master, not a nursemaid! "
-Luke Skywalker, Jedi Master of the New Republic, and Vergere, Jedi Knight of the Old Republic
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