Sunday, May 20, 2007

It's Been Awhile

Spoilers are rampant for the new Legacy book. I'll keep it simple and quote Darth Sidious:

"Everything is happening according to my plan." Or.... "I have foreseen this..."

Luke goes badass....he does....on Lumiya! Yay! He thinks Lumiya killed Mara and he takes revenge on her. He tracks her down and cuts her head off. Once again reminding us of just how much he holds back.

Mara makes peace with Kyp in this novel! YAY! They meet in a juice bar and Kyp offers to help her track Lumiya. She declines. She gets a com call from Ben and rushes off to see him. Kyp, again, gives parenting advice to her telling her to set limits. It's pretty funny how Kyp is offering parenting advice to Luke and Mara.

Traviss did a fine respectful job in giving Mara the finale she deserved. Mara fought Jacen/Caedus to the end. He got her with his trickery. It was very sad to read the reaction of both Ben and Luke.

This book made me like Mara more than ever!
Goofiest image of the book: (p. 266) Jacen sitting in his bathtub eating take-out food and writing Sith messages in the steam!
Okay...update: Today, February 23, 2008 I found I had taken notes while reading Sacrifice. So here are the notes:
p. 122 Jacen decides to destroy the Jedi Order
p. 209-210 Ben acts Very very very 14
p. 230 after the death of Jori Ben reflecs he is glad he feels and is not without emotion (this is a very sad part of the book, Jori gives his life and honor to protect Ben)
p. 234 A great discussion with Mom and Dad: "Are you angry with me?"
"How can I be after what I used to do? This is what made you. We wanted you to be like us... We wanted you to be a Jedi and do your duty."
p. 300 The Sith ship does see darkness in Ben...
Well we know later on just about everyone has the darkness....but isn't that true of all humanity?

Sunday, April 01, 2007

This Poem Echoes the Sentiments of the Master


~William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbow'd.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

What a wonderful poem to stumble upon this dreary afternoon.
Kyp is indeed the master of his fate and captain of his soul!

I love how the lines echoed his struggle to fight darkness, and
how incredibly triumphant the author feels at the end!

I used to hate poetry...but I have come to love it when I can
connect it to something tangible.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I'm beginning to think...

.....that Mara has sexual tension with Kyp!

Anyway, our favorite master has truly become the master in this latest book. Funny when we remember him as Luke's foil.

Allston has given him the "lady", now give him the child. :)

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Review of Exile

So nobody gets exciled okay!!!!
Why must they have such amazingly misleading titles and covers. Yes, Leia fights Alema and Han runs around with his blaster drawn, but that's it.
On to the review.
I like Allston because he has the ability to combine elements from all the stories including Bantam and the movies!!!
He referrenced more things than I can count, but being Kyp centric let me say he gave a nod to Kessel (taras-chi) and Kyp mentioned his darkside pull of the suncrusher from Yavin's planet. Kyp never overtly says what he did, but we all know the story so Allston doesn't belabor it, though he does make an odd hint:
"I felt with absolute cetainty what I was doing was right...." [only sith think in absolutes~ROTS]!!!!!!
It seemed the highlight ofthe book was Wedge and Ben. Wedge was outed from his job and then the corellians attempt to assissinate him [he has a street named after him for goodness sake!]. His escape with the help of Corran, Mirax, Iella, and Myri made a fun way to work everyrone in. so duh...Wedge is the Exile who we leave abord the Errant Venture moving in space near Coruscant. Lando and Booster are there too....and i was excited to see Lando!
Alema does not die even at the hands of several competant Jedi, and this is stupid. At this point I want her down. Lumiya takes most of the book to recover from Luke's three blaster shots. She causes more than her share of trouble by getting the Bothans and the Commenors involved and escallating the war. She can cause more trouble from her asteroid than Jacen from a Statdestroyer...he really needs to step it up, and I think we'll set that from Sacrifice onward.
Jacen is cold to Luke, addressing him as "Luke" in such a way that makes you forget they are realatives or that Jacen was once his honored apprentice. when you really think of it , it is heartbreaking. Jacen isn't very in this book!
Ben's story is exciting to me because he grows tremdously while on his quest. He does not get assigned a master, nor now do I think he will.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Totally AU Teen Kyp !!!

What if he never returned from his trip to the darkside?