Thursday, December 28, 2006

A moment to Discuss the book Twilight

OMG!!!! I loved this book. Yeh, it's about vampires, but they are the benevolent type...and it's a love story. It's just got these great characters, which isn't that why we get so smitten by characters like Kyp in the first place. You know, isn't that why there is fan fiction?

The characters in Twilight are Edward and Bella. It is told in a first person narritive by Bella (the human). she's a great character and you love her, but you love Edward too, even though, as a vampire, he has obvious flaws.

Maybe that's why I like Kyp. He has in his grasp the ability to do great evil, but he choses not to, no not by abstaining but by controlling himself. It is his strength of character and his ability to do good and help others that makes him a hero.

Wait who'sthat about: Kyp or Edward? See it doesn't matter. It's the archetypre of the flawed hero, the redeemed, the even the tragic hero. It's interesting reading. And hey, maybe we see something of our own flaws and forgivance in these characters.

I still love to ponder free will versus genetics and that there always is a choice.

this links to the twilight site:

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ben's Thoughts in Tempest

p. 268 …”during their practice sessions, not even Jacen could always tell when he was lying.”

p. 270 His thoughts on Jaina:
“Jaina was just as volatile and unreasonable as Jacen claimed. It was a wonder she lasted as long in the military as she had- but then the standards of the New republic forces had not been nearly as high as they were now that Jacen and Niathal had reorganized the military. These days, someone as hot headed as Jaina would never even make it into flight school-and he couldn’t imagine how she ever became a Jedi Knight. Jacen was always telling him that a good Jedi used his anger-not the other way around. “

I thought these two passages were interesting. In Bloodlines Ben also asks Jacen to teach him to hide his presence in the Force. He also has the ability to lay down a sonic blast that knocks people flat momentarily.

He is one powerful 13 year old.