Sunday, June 11, 2006

Those Tassels and Their Meaning!!!

Let's interpret the tassels:

He will remake himself

Jacen has already done this in a sence by going on his Force journey

He will ruin those who deny justice

Ben even says that's what Jedi do. Jacen will ruin those who stand in the way of what he considers justice

He will choose the fate of the weak

Vergere told him to be the gardener and choose the weds and the flowers.

He will be drawn from peace into conflict or his life will be balanced between peace and conflict

This was the Sith specific tassel that only Jacen could read. I prefer the balanced level of this as I think Jacen's Sithliness might be a little different from what we expect...

He will choose how he will be loved

Meaning he will have a messed up relationship with his family, possibly Tenel Ka (if she doesn't die) and definately Allana

He will win and break his chains

OK, pretty much this has happened. He doesn't follow the dogmatic view of the Force

He will shed his skin and choose a new skin

This will be when he is "outed" ???

He will strengthen himself through sacrifice

Hmmmm...perhaps in "Sacrifice"

He will crawl through his cloak

He will slowly emerge as a public Sith

He will know brotherhood

Others will join him. No more rule of two. A new Order? Who would support him? I really don't know.

He will make a pet

He will create something? Is that what Yoda was...a Sith creation? LOL!

He will strengthen himself through pain

Already happened!!!

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