Monday, December 29, 2008

Purposeless Pictures of Pretty

While waiting the two weeks until Supernatural has new episodes I am writing a fan fiction in which Ruby reflects on her human life and Dean discovers Sam has stepped up his game.

Here are some random lovely photos of the boys:

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Things We Learned From Episode 9 & 10

You can learn a lot from these two episodes. I think some major foreshadowing occured. At least, we got to see the brothers working as a team again. Sam is definately taking a lead and Dean is letting him be more of a partner. In "summer" Sam rescues Dean from Alasair's brutal beating by stabbing him in the heart. Unfortunately, this is the moment when we learn that the demon killing knife doesn't work on White Eyed Demons.
So the boys jump throuogh a window and make a run for it.

The Winchesters work together to plot their course of action in saving Anna.

A little help from the psychic Pamela doesn't hurt, though discovering Anna is an angel wasn't the best thing after Castiel burnt out her eyes.

So here are the things we learned from episodes 9 & 10:

! Dean did demonic things for 10 years.....

! Sam just did a demon...

! Angels can be killed, but with some sort of unknown, unavailable weapon, however, if angels

can be killed, then so can Lucifer.

! Sam’s hand of ipecac doesn’t work on white eye level demons, nor does Ruby’s knife

! Sam needs to learn a new trick or two in order to best Lillith

and Ruby is a willing teacher

! Whatever Sam has to do to tone up is something he’s not comfortable with

! Angels also have their own version of the hand of ipecac, begging those age old questions:

Was Azazel a fallen angel? Are Sam’s powers angelic?

! Anna can hear “angel radio”; does that mean Ruby can hear “demon radio”? Cause you know

she’s not on any demon’s friends list.

! If Ruby can hear demons, then why can’t Sam?

! Angels have Grace, and they loose it when they fall

! Grace can be worn in a vial around the neck, it can also be in a tree

! Lucifer’s Grace is presumable out there somewhere
! Both angels and demons can make choices, they have more free will than they think

! Dean is depressed, he’s willing to confess and cry in front of Sam

! Sam doesn’t know what to do next, but he’d kill an angel if he had to if that meant he’d protect Dean from Hell

! The Demons want Dean in Hell

On a completely superficial note:

! Sam has a perky little ass (according to Pam) He has massive back and shoulder muscles
(according to everyone whose watched his shirtless scene no less than 20 times)

! Dean hears Paul Rodgers voice singing in his head every time he has sex

! Sam and Ruby have had sex more than once. “That abomination you’ve been screwing.”
“What you and that demon bitch do in the dark.”

! Both “women” had pity for their Winchester brother which led to comfort and sex

! Anna fell from Grace for the cake and the sex (hope it was worth it)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Stupid speculation: Again!

In a show that gives us the “boy with the demon blood” and his brother who spent 10 years as a demon, where exactly might they go next?

I’ve seen this theory bantered about, and so I’m going to take off with it:

Sam’s gonna be Lucifer’s vessel and have to fight him from within. Sam has been groomed since age 6 months to be the best. Forced into hunting as a child and later as an adult, Sam has always been better trained than the other psychic kids. He is best suited to be able to handle the power of being possessed by Lucifer.

But let’s not stop there! Let’s throw a wrench into the plan, one that Lucifer himself might like. What if:

Dean and Sam are apostolic protectors of Lucifer’s grace?

We now know that angels possess the grace of God while they are in their heavenly form, but if they fall, the grace is lost or scattered. So theoretically Lucifer’s grace has to be out there somewhere, and I bet he wants it back. But where do you keep the grace of the number one fallen angel? That’s potent stuff to let fall on some random cornfield in Kentucky. I bet God has it locked up really tight: in the body’s of special living people.

And I’ll speculate one of them is Dean Winchester. And here’s how (and yeh, it’s hokey, but so was Anna’s grace in a vial hanging from Uriel’s neck).

The grace of Lucifer was passed to all the disciples who carry it within their bloodlines and pass it through the generations. It is scattered around the Earth, but not too many ancestors exist who carry it. However, Dean and Sam are the two left with the greatest power, they were descended from Mary Magdalene and Jesus. That’s why God wanted Dean out of Hell because once they are dead and in Hell, Lucifer an reclaim his grace from them. Fortunately, Lucifer needs more than one person’s grace. Though he has captured many over the years, the strongest is of Jesus’ bloodline. And he has never held that grace before. Now, the only two left on Earth with this blood are Sam and Dean. That’s why Mary smelled so good to Azazel, he knew. Lucifer prefers a Christ blood as he will be strongest when he takes the grace from within.

Now who are all the other psychic kids? They are all the apostolic carriers of the grace, purposefully marked by Azazel, tainted so they might go wrong and end up in Hell where Lucifer could get the grace, tainted through a blood rite that opens their earthly bodies to possible possession by Lucifer. There are many psychic kids because it isn’t easy to make it to the finish line and some are also back up for Sammy to be Lucifer’s vessel. But not the favorites. For Sam will have the strongest of abilities and the grace of Jesus’ bloodline inside.

How will Sam beat him? He will be trapped inside with Lucifer and he will have to overcome him. Dean will fight like crazy to save his brother and maybe we’ll have some divine intervention!
Things that happen in each episode are often a foreshadowing of events to come. Good example was the season two episode Crossroads Blues”. Later of course we see Dean make his desperate deal to save Sam. So I think that Anna’s lost grace will also come into play later on. Probably not this way, but it is fun to make guesses.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thoughts of Twilight the Movie

Being a vampire is not easy. sure, you live forever, never grow old nor ugly nor fat. Sure with all that time on your hands you can have money and all the worldly goods you could deisre.

But does it buy happiness? Contentment? Grace?

Edward Cullen gets by. In fact for over 80 years he has existed as a vampire in the world of humans, but he doesn't really consider himself fortunate, he just makes the best of the situation. He's done many things in his 100 years of existance, been vegetarian, stalked evil humans and killed them, gone to college numerous times, traveled the world....but he's never found love.

Enter Bella Swan, the new human in Forks, Washington. Edward is smitten in the most vamiric way, he'd love to eat her. He gets over his animal urge and starts a romance with the unlikely girl (who represents all of us).

Why does Edward fit this page? This is a blog about those who are damned but long to be saved. Those who long for grace and redemption, and that is very much the story of Edward Cullen.

How was the movie? Pretty true to the book, limited of budget, weak film quality made me actually think of Supernatural. The ating could have been better since so much exposition was riding on facial expression and body language, and it fell short.

Still, over all, the magic was there and it was fun. I look forward to the sequel and hope the actors have been studying!