Well he is a corellian male according to the DP for Bloodlines. All the other characters get more of a description and let me tell yuou last time they were this vague Brishya Syo turned out to be Lumiya. My point is this unknown male is probably either a cloned Anakin Solo or Jag Fel.
Bloodlines features Lama Su the Kimonian cloner. Maybe....
Jag Fel's mom is Corellian and he dishonored himself among the Chiss, so perhaps he is living under a fake name in Corellia
This new series isn't holding back at all. It is moving at hyperspeed. I thought they would draw out Jacen's turn, but he went right away. So I don't expect anything to go slowly.
This is from the book jacket:
Jacen, now a complete master of the Force, has his own plans to bring order to the galaxy. Guided by his Sith mentor, Lumiya, and with Luke’s young son Ben at his side, Jacen embarks on the same path that his grandfather Darth Vader once did. And while Han and Leia watch their only son become a stranger, a secret assassin entangles the couple with a dreaded name from Han’s past: Boba Fett. In the new galactic order, friends and enemies are no longer what they seem. . . .
And there is the line about:
mother versus son and sister versus brother as Luke faces his deepest fears.
okay so we know whose facing who...but Luke's greatest fear to me is the Darkside. Does this mean he feels he has to tap inot it to beat Jacen?
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