Thursday, August 31, 2006

Love Immortal







Do they belong together?


Kyp Durron,
active Jedi Master

Did you ever stop to think why was Kyp made a master so young?

On another site someone brought up that it may have been done for political reasons to prove to society that Luke trusted him and society should accept him.

this is of course what Kyp is saying about Jacen.

Of course, I think Jacen has the knowledge to be a master also.

Let's talk narcissism

From Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition, 1994, commonly referred to as DSM-IV, of the American Psychiatric Association.

An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectation of the individual's culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to distress or impairment.

A personality disorder is a pattern of deviant or abnormal behavior that the person doesn't change even though it causes emotional upsets and trouble with other people at work and in personal relationships. It is not limited to episodes of mental illness, and it is not caused by drug or alcohol use, head injury, or illness.

While grandiosity is the diagnostic hallmark of pathological narcissism, there is research evidence that pathological narcissism occurs in two forms, (a) a grandiose state of mind in young adults that can be corrected by life experiences, and (b) the stable disorder described in DSM-IV, which is defined less by grandiosity than by severely disturbed interpersonal relations. The preferred theory seems to be that narcissism is caused by very early affective deprivation, yet the clinical material tends to describe narcissists as unwilling rather than unable, thus treating narcissistic behaviors as volitional -- that is, narcissism is termed a personality disorder, but it tends to be discussed as a character disorder.

Narcissists are very reluctant to open up and trust, so it's possible that their NPD is not even recognized by therapists in short-term treatment. Most clinical writers seem unaware that narcissists' self-reports are unreliable. This is troubling, considering that lying is the most common complaint about narcissists and that, in many instances, defects of empathy lead narcissists to wildly inaccurate misinterpretations of other people's speech and actions, so that they may believe that they are liked and respected despite a history of callous and exploitative personal interactions.

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy. Grandiosity is a special case, but lack of empathy and exploitative interpersonal relations are not unique to NPD, nor is the need to be seen as special or unique. The need for constant attention is also found in Histrionic Personality Disorder, but HPD and BPD are both strongly oriented towards relationships, whereas NPD is characterized by aloofness and avoidance of intimacy. Grandiosity is unique to NPD among personality disorders, but it is found in other psychiatric illnesses.

Psychopaths display pathological narcissism, including grandiosity, but psychopathy is differentiated from NPD by psychopaths' willingness to use physical violence to get what they want, whereas narcissists rarely commit crimes.

So this is a tough call for Jacen, he commits crimes, but is legally sanctioned by the government and society (at the moment at least).
The disorder begins by early adulthood and is indicated by at least five of the following:

1. An exaggerated sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements) public, saving their conceit and autocratic opinions for their nearest and dearest. Common conspicuous grandiose behaviors include expecting special treatment or admiration on the basis of claiming to be extraordinarily intelligent or talented. For Jacen this would be leading Rogue Squadron and ordering Jaina to do something ethically questionable.

2. Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

Well this one is easy...unlimited power. Making peace in the galaxy.

3. Believes he is "special" and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

Translation: Narcissists think that everyone who is not special and superior is worthless. By definition, normal, ordinary, and average aren't special and superior, and so, to narcissists, they are worthless. For Jacen: this is the analogy of the Gardener

4. Requires excessive admiration He's a media darling and handsome to boot!

5. Has a sense of entitlement
Translation: I am the Chosen One

6. Selfishly takes advantage of others to achieve his own ends Where to begin...Tenel Ka and the Hapan Fleet, way back to Ganner's sacrifice? Lately he uses the World Brain and the Ferals...I'm sure I could think of more.

7. Lacks empathy He used to be empathic with animals which empowered his Vongsense, but he doesn't genuinely feel. I think Jacen has to act out feelings and emotions, but I don't think they come to him naturally.

8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him We haven't seen this blatently yet, but it has potential.

9. Shows arrogant, haughty, patronizing, or contemptuous behaviors or attitudes " I'm a Jedi, my ideas are right, that's all you need to know."

Props to the real people

I use a lot of real people on these pages for my images. I just wanted to take a moment to give them credit and thanks for the inspiration:

Zekk: Travis Fimmel
Jaina: Kate Beckinsdale
Kyp: Billy Crudup
Jag: Olivier Martinez

Tenel Ka: Lynn Collins
Allana: Anna Popplewell
Jacen : Tom Welling
Ben: Patrick Fugit

Mara: Kristin Scott Thomas
Luke: Mark Hamill
Han: Harrson Ford
Leia: Carrie Fisher

I love Ben Skywalker

I think this has a lot to do with me being a Middle School teacher and Ben being the age of an 8th grader. Ben is really a great character. The authors have gone through great lengths to make him a believable 13 year old. He's confused, at once a man, and then a boy. He sees the world in absoultes, but he questions what is happening around him. He loves those he knows like Jacen his mentor/cousin/father and his own parents. He wants approval of the Galactic alliance Guard, he wants to prove himself. and when things go wrong he needs the affirmation of those around him to tell him he's okay. Yet he is independent and strong. He is 13, practicing adulthood, and doing the best he can.

Let me just say I adore Ben S. Never before has SW undertaken such a bold step to take a child and press him into adulthood. I don’t think they ever had anyone as young as 13 kill. I think that is likely why KJA changed Kyp’s age between the two books from 16 to 18 because he didn’t want flak about a mass murdering child. Poor Ben, he killed two Corellians during a raid who likely didn’t need to be killed. I think the scene was written from his point of view so you have to read into it that the Corellians could have been subdued but not killed and that Ben panicked a bit and it may be said he was in over his head with the amount of responsibility Jacen put on him.

Ben will believe e is tainted and thus be more susceptible to Jacen’s Sith influence because he will feel soiled and unable to be a perfect Jedi like his dad would want. He already feel s alienated from his father and he hates the idea of the Skywalker legacy. He will want his own path and he will think he will find it with Jacen.

Luke has very limited control over Ben, very! He has no idea how to intervene. I get a bad feeling we are at a cross roads in time and if Luke had gotten Ben to the academy at this point in Bloodlines time it would have been okay, but now Ben had killed and he has crossed over in his mind. He is still at an age of absolutes.

For the Love of Kyp !!!

So Kyp gives Luke a bit of parenting advice. Luke’s in deep with the screw up’s with Ben. The kid’s just started his teen years and he’s apprenticed to a Sith Adept and has been raised by this Sith since he was nine. I think this is the pivotal point where Luke could still exercise some control over Ben, but past this, I think we’ll see trouble.

People who hate Kyp are likely going to say him recommending Jacen as Master was really dumb and proves he is a fool blinded to Jacen’s evil. I don’t think Kyp is acting the fool. I think Kyp recognizes there is a multi layered situation going on. One, Jacen is popular with the public and any action towards him by the Jedi Order will be scrutinized. Two, he is definitely beyond the Order…”we all know what he can do.” Three, it’s best not to alienate those who might oppose you. [point the old order never got with Anakin Skywalker].

Kyp remembers Luke’s gesture of placing him on the advisory Council and how that reconciled the two men. And I think maybe, but I am not sure, we see some Jedi compassion on Kyp’s part. He knows the benefit of Skywalker welcoming him home after his dark side. He wants to extend that to Jacen preemptively.

Later we see two other references to Jacen as Master. One from the media and the other as Jacen is thinking. So perhaps it will happen in the next book. All Sithliness aside, Jacen is a master of the Force and is older than Kyp was when he was made a master.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So maybe Jacen is not a sociopath...

...he's just a narcissist. I did a marathon reading of bloodlines last night and I am too tired to post my reactions yet. Suffice it to say Karen Traviss did NOT ignore the Jedi, but she writes an entirely human story. It didn't feel like Star Wars at all and I don't know why yet, let me ponder that. I mean after all, what the kriff does SW "feel" like?

My instant reaction was to like the book. I think I like the idea of war not being a black and white issue (wrong/right whose side you on). I liked seeing Ben's thoughts, I'm intrigued by crazy Jacen. I feel real pity for Luke and Han. Han should retire, and he can't and it is ridiculous and embarracssing. Luke is dithering, but htis time it makes sense. Mara is still failing to win me any simpathy and Jaina's part is too small.

I will write a complete review later when more awake! Oh and Jacen does mind wipe during a torture session; so the picture I made is accurate.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Levels of Insanity

This should help others who fully believe Jacen Solo is normal to find the true light.

Jacen Solo is not normal and this is one link to help define that insanity. He is cold and he has choosen the dark side rather than fallen to it. From another site:

List of Common Psychopathic Traits
Glib and superficial charm; Grandiose sense of self-worth; Need for stimulation; Pathological lying; Conning and manipulativeness; Lack of remorse or guilt; Shallow affect; Callousness and lack of empathy; Parasitic lifestyle; Poor behavioral controls; Promiscuous sexual behavior; Early behavior problems; Lack of realistic, long-term goals; Impulsivity; Irresponsibility; Failure to accept responsibility for own actions; Many short-term marital relationships; Juvenile delinquency; Revocation of conditional release; Criminal versatility

Obviously some of this fits and other pats do not!

Anakin Skywalker "fell" to the darkside due to weaknesses he had from his enslaved childhood onward. In the end we see a delusional and psychotic Anakin who becomes fueled by hate as Vader, but he is neaver fully evil. The good remains, why? He has feelings...he is not a psychopath like his grandson.

And while we are on darkside "falls" let's talk Kyp. More similar to Anakin than anyone else. Kyp falls due to PTSD being left untreated. He needed some serious intervention following Kessel and instead he goes to Yavin and gets put in a room where a Sith Lord's ghost easily seduces him. He acts in passion and emotion, he is delusional, thinking he can use evil to create good, but never is he psychotic. He is always fully aware of what he is doing. He never looses sight of love (he is at Carida trying to locate his brother..he is moved by Han's words). His story is tragedy, but you can see he is really a good person. More so than anakin.

The Skywalker's have messed up genes and I am hoping the new series answers why!!!!!

Real world quotes apply

We had to destroy the village in order to save it.... that came from another blog spot, but it made me think of how crazy people think sometimes. It is as real in life as in fiction. Bush certainly seems to agree with hits sentiment in regards to Iraq.

And here in this SW page it is the folly of Jacen's thought.

Of course Jacen is a bush?

So Jacen the fiction boy has an excuse for wanting to destroy the village. but how many times in human history has a leader done the unspeakable? And here is another quote:

I am death the destroyer of worlds...from the Bhgivad Vita(sorry 'bout spelling) Oppenheimer supposedly quoted that about the atomic bomb! Hello!

So that's wher ethe Kyp Durron Destroyer of worlds thing came from. there is nothing original in Stat Wars, but it is intersting to find the real source.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Ok, I've read some spoiler stuff on NJOE. Kyp is mentioned in the new book! Thank the Maker!

He makes a dumb comment at a Master's Meeting (well it sounds dumb out of context, we'll see how it sounds when te entire scene is played out).

Jacen gets progressively worse and Sithly! Of course that isn't a shock.

I can't wait to get this book! It is driving me crazy waiting for it.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Trying to Understand Jaina

Jaina Solo

Please Jaina, you're our only hope!

No, she's not crazy:

Forget the whole mess with the Killiks, Jaina was just trying to do her objective Jedi duty and got a little carried away.

And no, I don't think she'll ever get together with Kyp, but I'd like to see them act like friends and not strangers. Will it be Zekk or Jag? I don't know.

I think I am beginning to understand Jaina now. She tries to be detached from the situation, but she is really an emotional and passionate woman. She is more hot than cold. She has strong convictions and she will stand up for what she believes. She is what Leia had not yet grown into during the rebellion. Strong in many outward ways, whereas Leia is stronger internally.
Like Jacen, Jaina is detached, like Anakin she is fiery.

And how can we forget: This woman is an awesome pilot!!!! In fact she is now listed as better than Luke! (likely it's her younger reflexes..but is she better than Kyp now too?)

And I am reminded that my father’s death anniversary is coming. And I hate to observe those things. It makes me wonder then. Thinking about Jaina’s behavior after Anakin died I wonder: Am I like Jaina? I kept thinking I was more like Jacen (ugh, the truth hurts). Even though Kyp is the bomb, I am not as much like him. I find they all are confident in their ideals and I would agree that I am too. So I am like Jaina in that I think the whole pilot...kick ass thing is cool, she is powerful, passionate, and stands up for what she believes in.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Alpha Males

I think Kyp is an alpha male. He is definitely a leader and someone who people look up to and are willing to follow. He easily puts together squadrons of non-Jedi, which I think shows he is in touch with the common people. Remember in Rebirth, after destroying the world ship, his squadron cheered and looked at him “as some master of old” as Jaina put it sarcastically. He also has many followers among the Jedi. At least half the order was ready to follow him and possibly even leave the order if he pushed it (at least that’s how a few novels seemed to state it). Didn’t even Denning state “those who supported Kyp on one side of the room” giving me the impression that even after the war he had at least half a room of supporters. Although he respects Luke, he definitely sees himself as Luke’s equal, however he does not plan on usurping that role.

I couldn’t agree more that Luke is not an alpha, but has been forced to assume that role. I worry that he has set himself up as a dictator now. I am thinking perhaps this has been written that way on purpose, and perhaps that will cause conflict later in the series. In Betrayal you get the feeling Luke is the only Jedi who attends meetings with Omas and that what is discussed is classified. This is a big change over the NJO and even over how things were done in the Old Order.

Troy Denning's Glimpse of LOTF

What we learned from Troy Denning (in the Dark Nest Trilogy) that will likely play out in LOTF.

Jacen was so powerful no one could control him. “Even we can’t control Jacen.” Raynar Thul

The Myrkr survivors (including Jaina) were so weak minded they could be persuaded to do anything.

Luke was the Boss. No one could match his skills such as cloaking the ship, creating an illusionary ships, and breaking free from Lomi’s Force Net.

Luke and Mara will cross the line when pressed in battle. Mara fires Force lightening and Luke nearly Force chokes Raynar.

All the other Jedi Masters are useless, dithering, arguing fools who can’t get half of what Luke accomplishes done. They are shown as less important and unable to agree. Corran is sanctimonious, Kenth is the government, Kyp is impatient and contemptuous, even Cilghal realizes there is chaos. Without Luke, the Order falls apart. [this could prove to be a key point]

Leia and Han must be involved in every battle. They must save the day and be the heroes.

Leia proves she is ruthless when protecting her family when she shoots down Jag Fel.

Ben trusts Jacen.

Tenel Ka is willing to use someone to get what she needs.

Friday, August 11, 2006

The authors and Kyp

Kid looks like this, and he hasn't been slashed yet! Pouty Little Jedi Boy! Weird. I forgot where this is from, but I think the artist was trying to show Kyp when he escaped the Maw by posing as a stormtrooper. He looks pretty pissed off if you ask me.

I wouldn't necessarily say his "father" KJA made him pissed. He felt wronged. He was bitter to have had the Empire take so much from him. But mostly he was on a vendetta. He felt self rightous, he was right and he was justified to use an means neccessary to destroy the Empire. He felt omnipotent. And who wouldn't if you just learned to utilize magic powers and had the greatest superweapon at your disposal? KJA gave us impatient Kyp, eager, intrepid, thoughtful, free thinking, over confident, proud, zealous and after he knew he was wrong....contrite, proud, a little afraid of himself, but still all of the above. Even when taken by the darkside he wasn't crazy or manically mean. He was on a mission and fueled by the darkside's power more than anything.

Then we have Simple Tricks. Kyp's had a little time to think about what happened. Probably had a lot of time while recovering in the hospital with all those broken bones (and don't tell me it was the lightside that saved his skinny ass...he tapped the dark to stay alive and mend himself). But I do digress. So in ST, Kyp is a bit passively suicidal. He is quiet, remorseful, and he longs for society to just forgive him and let him do the good he longs to do as a Jedi. He is strong, skilled, helpful, non-judgemental, full of the Force in a good way, and true to himself. He respects life and tries his best to protect all. Mostly he craves acceotance. He's still young and even carries an air of innocence to himself.

In Darksaber, KJA continues his personality. Impatient and impetous...and again in Leviathan more of the same. We also see some empathy going on

Now we jump forward to Vector Prime and the NJO, let's see if I can abbriviate:

VP: arrogant, daring, flirty, powerful, resilient, protector, active, agressive, independent

Dark Tide: Sithly...sneaky, snarky, spoke strangely to Luke (As you wish it, my Master), organized council of war, still indpendent and big advocate of aggression, hinted it would be better to use the darkside than do nothing...calls Luke, "greatest among equals"

Agent: helpful, much more back to VP style, Rescue is our mandate

Edge of victory: more agressive at those Jedi meetings, went against Luke, but had many followers, Luke worried about the darkside and tracked him. got really snarky & manipulative with Jaina, lied, but only to get the job done. Doesn't do anything for his own glory, but he does think what he does matters and that others should emulate him.

SBS: so independent nearly was no longer a jedi, impatient and wanted to rescue kids, arrogant, sneaky, full of his skills. Denning wanted to kill him, but could not so he tried to put him down by creating "Crusty Kyp":
Crusty Kyp was truly funny. I had forgotten how Denning hated Kyp and wanted to kill him. So Denning wrote about the dirty stinkiness to “get back” at the character. That of course is why he turns up all hygiene impaired in DNT. It’s really quite funny when you think about it. We all know Kyp is the handsomest Jedi in the order!!!

DJ: arrogant, good intentions, powerful, compasionate , patient with Jaina helpful, ready to pay his debt, a little dark, learns about self

RD and RS: team player! compassionate, reflective, patient

Destiny's way: leader, has squadron again, joins council, honest, forthright, suddenly he is the same person, but accepted!

TUF: too weak to beat the enhanced warior's !!! HUH? 5 seed partners, compassionate, worried about Alpha Red, gentle, forgiving of Corran, peaceful

DNT: can't go there at the moment, he lapsed some! Denning was not paying attention!

LOTF: better show up or I'll loose it!

Meet Jagged Fel

This is Jagged Fel, the Corellian by blood, Chiss by disposition, pilot extrordiaire who just may win the heart of Jaina Solo someday.

Or perhaps he has turned to evil after being shot down by Jaina's mother One can specualte. He has not yet been returned to the books in LOTF. I'm sure he will.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Fictional Future Kyp

This was a piece of a story about Ben Skywalker becoming an Emporer. I chose it because I very well can see Kyp attempting to save the Jedi Order such as in this story.

The strange craft floated amongst the rubble formerly known as Alderaan. "Chu'unthor II" had been constructed by the Galactic Alliance shortly after the liberation of Coruscant. A gesture of thanks to the Jedi Order which had played such an integral role in the entire conflict. The ship was intended to be used to help train new classes of Jedi, and to act as a roving embassy for the order. But the decline of the Jedi during the Five Year War had left the ship unable to fulfill its primary functions, and due to recent events, its caretaker had begun refitting it to serve a new purpose.

"This is the legacy of the Empire. Old, New, there is nothing that truly differentiates this one from the last." Kyp Durron looked across the wide empty room and the assembled masses inside. The design schematics for this ship had this room listed as a gymnasium originally, but it was the only space big enough for these sort of assemblies. "Some of you might be asking if the man who destroyed Carida should even begin to lecture on the Empire's history of devastating worlds and butchering the inhabitants. I am here right now to tell you, that there is no one better at this time. Our galaxy has been in a downward spiral of suffering ever since the Clone Wars began, because of the cycle of violence formed by the founders of the Empire. While I make no excuses for my actions in participating in Carida's destruction, I remind all of you, it was an Imperial weapon that was used, it was the result of my brother's Imperial conscription that I was driven to madness, it was the result of my enslavement by the Empire in Kessel that I did not receive the proper training to resist the temptations of vengeance."

Kyp sighed, no longer did the pain of these memories affect him as they used to. The thought of becoming impervious to atrocities such as Carida was sickening. But he couldn't let that show, today he was here to inspire, not to grieve. "I stand before you today on this ship, which was one heralded as a new beacon of hope for us all, to ask for your help." Kyp turned on his lightsaber, a new one fashioned only recently, from the combined parts of fallen comrades. The blade burned with a birght orange light as if a flame bent itself to Kyp's whim. "The light of the Jedi will always shine, no Sith, no Vong, no one can ever extinguish it. But the light alone has never been enough to gain freedom, for there is an even more powerful feeling that exists within the hearts of all good beings no matter their affinity for the Force. It is the sense of justice and liberty that powers the hearts of sentient beings. When the hearts of the righteous are joined as one they create an unstoppable flow that glows brighter than any shadow, even the depths of space itself. If we are to restore the nation that was stolen from us then we must join together! Not for the name of a Republic, and not for the people who would lead it, but for the freedom of all living things! For all species! To fight a true and just cause that will not be beaten! Will you join me?"

Kyp's audience roared with applause, much to his surprise. Many of these men had served opposing factions during the Five Year War, now the joined in unison as one cause united them. Outside of the ship, many more ships joined to listen to Kyp's message, which was being broadcast over local channels via the holonet. In time the Empire would hear of this and move to stop the meeting, but by then there would be nothing left but the Graveyard. Dozens of small to large size capital ships flooded the area. Although there were tensions as Bothan Assault Cruisers and Mon Calamari Cruisers entered from opposing vectors, those soon broke as Kyp gave his speech from his command ship.

"Fellow comrades of all species, I welcome you to the Rebel Alliance." And as he spoke he could feel the Force flow through him like a great river, connecting him to the universe as a whole.