Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ridiculous Predictions and Silly Desires

Hiatus and winter vacation have given me spare time to ponder Supernatural:

Honestly, I’m not figuring things out to well this season. Most of my speculation is based on Season Four since little this year has been revealing or surprising. If TBTB thought the vessel angle would shock then they are seriously pandering to a much dumber crowd then I know us crazy people are. If Lucifer is suppose to be the devil, it would benefit the show to make him more evil. At this point he is no worse than any other angel (except Cas, but we all know he is becoming more human and thus running on a completely different moral compass). Demons have consistently shown themselves to be more nasty than angels...until now. Think hard, really hard, because finding a demon in action in Season Five to even make this comparison is going to take some digging. Episode 1 and 10 we have Meg, and in Episode 6, the “mother” to the anti-Christ child. And they weren’t all that scary. Remember Alastair? He was scary!

So how do you solve a problem like Lucifer? Some part of me thinks it’s not by killing him. Will Sam say yes? I think he will, but I don’t know why. I think episode 5.07 showed a Sam who would “gamble everything for love” and would give his life for Dean. I see that as foreshadowing (otherwise, please tell me what was the point of that episode)? And don’t say: “To show that Sam isn’t just the little bro!” We know, that’s what S3 and S4 proved.

Why are Sam and Dean chosen vessels? There are millions of families on Earth where there are two brothers about 4 years apart, why not them? There sure has to be more to it than that! :)

We all know that Sam was fed demon blood by Azazel and it’s been proven that Azazel was no fallen angel, but a demon (black smoke and all) which means it was demon blood, not angel blood going into the baby’s mouth. Also, Castiel confirmed that Sam had demon blood in episode 4.07 when he greeted Sam by saying, “the boy with the demon blood”. What we do not know for certain is the purpose of the demon blood. Was it the catalyst to Sam’s powers, a gateway to make him an acceptable vessel for Lucifer, or a tracking devise? (Or all of the above).

Okay, so where does that leave Sam now? He has demon blood and powers that he denies. He’s wanted by Lucifer to be the fallen angel’s one true vessel. So far, no angels have smote him, in fact, they seem to approve of him becoming Lucifer due to the fact that they like having prophesy fulfilled. (Gabriel’s words at the end of “Changing Channels”).

Angels like destiny and prophesy. They like having everything follow the cosmic script, but it just seems way too predictable.

Watching Sam and Dean fight in “Levee” brought to mind one parallel truth: Lucifer and Michael were once brothers who loved each other dearly. As I watched Sam hatefully spout at his brother and watched Dean reply with a condemning fury, I thought of those carefree days of Season One when the boys were just hunters out doing what they were raised to do and happily supporting and even indulging each other. Seems like this is just as it once was in Heaven when the top archangels were best buds. There’s a real tragedy in losing that close a relationship, and sometimes it can never be repaired.

So the question is, can Michael and Lucifer rebuild their relationship? Can the Heavenly family be put back together? Is that even what the angels desire, because if we strictly parallel Dean and Sam at the end of S4 then the answer is one sided. In “Levee” Bobby cautions Dean that going after Sam is about getting him back not pushing him away, but Dean fails to get Sam to come with him and resorts to condemning him as a monster. Did God send Michael to get his little brother only to have them lock horns (all puns intended) and not be able to come to an agreement? Sam wanted to repair with Dean, but only after he did exactly what he thought was the best course of action (killing Lillith). Was that Lucifer’s plan, that his brother would side with him over their father? But then Michael did not side with his brother and instead he sent him far far away.

Is it possible that Michael was trapped in human form. Michael trapped in the form of the hairless apes Lucifer would not bow to, and maybe even Michael agreed, but was obedient to his father. Maybe, like Gabriel, Michael likes the world or mortals, or flesh?
So maybe, Michael is among us and he doesn’t even know it? One thing is for certain, hiatus brings out the speculation in all of us!

Here are my selfish desires (some are normal and some are not~you are warned):
· Sam sacrifices himself to save the world, but gets redeemed and brought back to life (b/c I
do selfishly want a season 6).
· Dean never says yes to Michael and proves to be 100% human
· Becky is a demon
· Sam uses the magic hand to destroy Meg
· Bobby is restored to his normal health by Lucifer
· Gabriel aids Sam and Dean
· Michael is as big a jerk as the rest of his family, but comes to see the error of his self-
righteous ways
· The angels learn from the Winchesters and become more like Cas
· Jesse is Sam’s child
· Dean and Cas kiss
· Cas gets to stay on Earth
· We get a shirtless and/or sex scene with Dean involved (need balance w/ Sam)
· We find out why Sam and Dean are actually special
· The angels stop whining and take Lucifer back, but he has to spend time as a human
· Dean gets a chance to wipe that smug smile from Zach’s face
· Patrick the witch returns ( ok, it’s just coz he was hot)!
· Hunters try to hunt and kill Sam (sorry, love Sam in peril)
· Dean is NOT hospitalized!!!!
· Dean gets to eat pie (and all is right with the world)! :D

Monday, December 28, 2009

Vampire Diaries

Oh, it's a new guilty pleasure and the boys are so pretty!
This show is not the best thing in the world, but it is enjoyable. I'm liking the unfolding story of how the borthers became vampires, turned against each other, and yet can't let go of each other. Damon is so deliciously evil! Just as a vamp should be and Stephan is the predictable vegetarian in love with a human. Let me just say that these actors are so much better than the actors of Twilight!!!!
The characters are likable and multi-layered. I find the worst to be the tug of war between Stephan and Elena and I'm hoping there is resolution soon (I think there will be). The parallels between the folks from the past and now is quite entriguing (especially Bonnie, who is my fav and a witch)!
Although this is written for teens, it is much more savvy than most teen vamp stories and it appears to have potential.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Meet the Anti-Christ

Awww Darn! I always thought Reagan was the anti-Christ, now I have to change my tune.

Yep, the anti-Christ is born into this child Jesse, who is considered half-demon and half-human. His mother was a possessed human, his father? The demon possessed woman did say to Jesse that he had eyes like his father.

Castiel argued they kill the child, Sam argued they tell him the truth so he can make the right decisions. All this proves too overwhelming for the kid and he disappears (presumably to Australia).

Let's hope we see more of this kid. The potential for the use of his character is unlimited.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Thoughts on Angels

Why didn't Michael kill Lucifer? Did he love him too much? Was it that Michael simply could not kill his brother; so he banished him instead. Does this sound at all familiar? Dean can not kill Sam; this has been shown mostly in season 2, but hinted at again and again, to the point where even Lucifer2014 knows that Dean will not kill Sam.

Future Lucifer probably knows Sam quite well after riding him for years, and he probably knows everything Sam knows about his brother. So it's not surprising that he would declare to Dean that Dean will never kill him.

Is it possible that this: "I can't kill my brother" will be the crux of the situation this season? Will the angels attempt to redeem their fallen brother and return him to the fold? Is that even possible? I'd say unlikely if you think of their angry reactions to Anna's disobedience.

But the thing that holds me entralled is the big question: "Where's Michael?" We've met quite a few angels including Raphael, but it's just Zach coming to Dean for vessel permission. I don't trust that at all. Zach has his own agenda and clearly Castiel was kept on need to know. Now he knows nothing at all. So really, Lucifer's walking the Earth and Michael's MIA?

What if it practically "killed" Michael to loose his brother Lucifer? What if the war in Heaven was too high a price to pay and Michael decided to banish himself for not being able to save Lucifer? Michael's self-imposed punishment? Spend his time on Earth traveling as a human. How? Perhaps he was born in a human, lived that life and passed down that human's family from generation to generation. Perhaps he was waiting until that day that he could manifest, that day when Lucifer was set free. That until Lucifer was set free, Michael was trapped in human form. Michael trapped in the form of the hairless apes Lucifer would not bow to, and maybe even Michael agreed, but was obedient to his father. Maybe Michael likes the world or mortals, or flesh?

And you know where this is headed: Perhaps Michael was born in Dean. Perhaps he is lying in there waiting, dormant. Makes sense when you think of how the angels laid seige to Hell to save a human. Of course that human is the only vessel for Michael. That we know, but his brother should be just as suitable (this was shown in the "Rapture" with Claire and Jimmy).

So why Dean? Why MUST Sam be Lucifer's vessel? Is it destiny or just one possible future?

And where is Michael?

Friday, October 02, 2009

Giving the Devil His Due

Now we are four episodes into Season 5 of Supernatural. Lucifer showed up, wearing a sensitive face and speaking with a silken voice. And asking Sam if he could take him as his vessel. Not shocking at all. Now Sam says over his dead body to which Lucifer replies he'll just bring him back. sounds just like what Zach said to Chuck the prophet. Lucifer might be fallen, but he's all angel.

And he vessels Sam around the year 2012, or at least that's what Zach would have Dean believe. And can Zach be trusted? Not likely.....
Dean learns his lessen in 2014. He needs Sam and together they must fight to remain human and true to their calling: "hunting things, saving people..."

The end scene was a start. They are on the right path, but it could take years to recover the broken trust, and that's okay, as long as they are together. Two halves to a whole.

But Sam is fighting destiny as best as he can and Dean knows that only together can they keep each other human. Poor Sam flinches as Dean takes out the knife. then quietly accepts his position as little brother again.

It's a start on his path to redemption...

Friday, September 11, 2009

After the season opener...here's a thought:

We learned in the season opener that Dean is able to vessel an angel. So since it tends to be a genetic ability, we can assume Sam also carries this "gift".

It's an unpopular thought, but what if Sam agrees to let Lucifer in because he is willing to sacrifice himself to die by Michael's sword (wielded by Dean being Michael's vessel). I know, the annoying idea of the brother fight. But really, literary symmmetry? Michael and Lucifer were brothers. And of course Sam would die when Michael kills Lucifer, but because it is the ultimate sacrifice God brings him back and we get season 6 with Sam and Dean as humans again! I know, it's crack, but I had to.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

One, two, three...what might be.....

I opted to use mostly real life Jared and Jensen photos (and a few from the show) while speculating on season 5 (which starts Sept. 10) !!!

Pure speculation based lightly on spoilers for season 5 and hints from previous seasons:

---Sam and Dean will separate,
but will reunite when they finally realize they are two halves to a whole.

---Dean will use Michael's sword to kill Lucifer, but only is able to b/c of something special in his blood. This something special might be in Sam's blood too and is the answer to why he had to be the one to let Satan out.

---There will be other angels who are on humanities side than Cas and Anna.

---Meg's storyline will be finally told...I mean why is she so darn jealous?

---Somewhere, someone else said they wanted God to be a powerful black woman...I can't agree more.

---The Trickster returns and he helps the boys.

---Sam is changed permanently by what he has done, but it makes him able to defeat Lucifer.

---But by the end: Sam receives redemption.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Bucket Load Of Spoilers...Season 5 is going to Rock!!!

Two very creepy/haunting promos are out there tempting the non-believer and driving the dedicated fan insane. Yes, September 10th is coming, and with it a post-apocalyptic Supernatural world.

Looks like I might get my wish both that Sam is metabolically changed for good and also that he will be hunted.

Oh, and then there is episode 4 in which Dean goes into the future and finds this:

And here I thought the Devil wore Prada! Yummy! Evil Sam!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Dean has a theme song! Season 5 is coming and there's a big fat spoiler vid out there! YAY!

Here are the lyrics to Free Will:

There are those who think that life is nothing left to chance

A host of holy horrors to direct our aimless dance.

A planet of playthings,

We dance on the strings

Of powers we cannot perceive.

"The stars aren't aligned

Or the gods are malign

"Blame is better to give than receive.

You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice.

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill

I will choose a path that's clear

I will choose free will.

There are those who think that they were dealt a losing hand,

The cards were stacked against them

They weren't born in lotus land.

All preordained

A prisoner in chains

A victim of venomous fate.

Kicked in the face,You can pray for a placeIn heaven's unearthly estate.

You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice.

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill

I will choose a path that's clearI will choose free will.

Each of us

A cell of awareness

Imperfect and incomplete.

Genetic blends

With uncertain ends

On a fortune hunt that's far too fleet.

You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice.

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill

I will choose a path that's clear

I will choose free will.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Time to Speculate

OK, so here goes the embarrassing speculation for season five.

Ruby is an unreliable narrator. Just b/c she told Sam he didn't need demon blood to grow stronger doesn't make it true. Castiel told Dean that the blood would change Sam permanently. When Anna saw Sam in "The Rapture" she noticed that he looked different. She can see demons, was that what she saw as she looked at him? I think Sam has changed himself metabolically.

Sam and John are very similar. This point has been made many times but really was driven home in "Jump the Shark". If John knocked up a nurse, how much of a stretch is it that Sam knocked up the doctor? I just get a weird feeling that he made a baby.

Rufus got a mention in the finale....why? The finale always includes foreshadowing. I like Bobby's line: "He knows". So Rufus knows what? That Sam's practically the anti-Christ. That Gordon was right? Will the hunters all be after Sam? Spoilers state that Ellen is back, Rufus makes and appearence, and there's a casting call for yet another hunter.

And what about Dean? Is he Saint Michael in human form? Was this image from "Lazerus Rising" an intentional Christian Fish? Clearly this is the eye of God.
There may be limp!Sam in the early episodes. We can only hope for it. I'm thinking he might try to kill himself? Maybe Lucifer shows up at Sam's bedside.
Okay, that's it for now!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Where will the Sam Story Line Go?

You know according to the Bible the anti-Christ is not Lucifer, it's more like his hereld. I don't want Sam to be more evil than he has been so far, then he might be lost forever and become the antagonist of the story.

I would love to see hunters and others misunderstand him (like Gordon did) and hunt him.

Jensen Ackles supposedly stated that Sam's blood addiction story line is not over yet. The show starts up again in July, but I doubt there will be info until August.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Trying to convince the non-believer

How to explain Supernatural to the person who has never seen it…..with the hope of converting the unbeliever to the love that is Sam and Dean Winchester

There are two brothers, Sam and Dean, and they love each other more than co-dependently possible. In the very first episode, the older brother Dean goes to Stanford University to locate his little brother Sam because their dad is missing. Dad turns out to be illusive anyway, so what was Dean’s real reason for seeking Sam? Dean hates to be alone. Dean needs family to sustain him. Dean and Sam are two halves to a whole.

The Winchester Yin-Yang developed very early in the show. And that’s the crux of it: two brothers, ordinary men who do a very secretive job…they fight supernatural entities, basically protecting you and me. But as the episodes happened, a mytharc was unveiled. There was more.

Sam and Dean were actually chosen to serve a much higher purpose. First, it was revealed that Sam had some special abilities, he had visions of things to come…bad things, and he had so little control over them that the event usually happened after Sam dreamt of it. Eventually we learn from a demon…a very powerful one with Yellow Eyes…the very one that killed the mother of Sam and Dean….we learn that he HAS PLANS FOR SAM! Dun dun dun….

Oh yeh he has plans and in season two things get kicked up a notch since those plans aren’t of the angelic type. And then Sam dies! Dies in Dean’s arms and Dean (who can not be alone…I did remind you that they are very co-dependent) sells his soul to bring Sam back!

Season 3 we have an increasingly toughened and cold Sam making us wonder if the darkside is in his future and a resolute Dean who is facing Hell. Then Dean DIES! So now the brothers are even!

Season 4 comes along, as do the angels, and the idea that Lucifer wants to be free and suddenly this is no longer a simple story about two brothers who hunt evil supernatural entities. Sam’s powers are back and stronger than ever…Dean suffers PTSD and we learn that there is a prophet of the Lord named Chuck who has foreseen this all!

Is this all destiny or free will? The questions get deeper, the brothers get angstier and Lucifer is about ready to walk free. Then there is the finale and Sam and demon blood drinking… and OMG he didn’t ….and Dean is banging on the door to get in because he must save Sam (from himself) then Sam kills Lillith and the seal breaks and Dean gets in but it is TOO LATE BABY and it was all prophesy and is there even a reason to bother with free will and oh noes!

The white light! Lucifer is coming!

And THAT is why you should watch Supernatural.

Sam's gone full on darkside but his brother still loves him

Maybe Obi-Wan could have been less judgemental. It's not like Dean isn't judgemental, just something Bobby said got to im and he is willing to still love his brother.

Friday, May 08, 2009

When the Levee Breaks

Supernatural is the story of two brothers who have very little in this world but each other and a work ethic that includes puting the safety of others first. Unfortuntely the youngest brother Sam was infected with demon blood as a baby thus involving the whole family in matters much larger than themselves.

Sam and his older brother Dean fight monsters, but things change once Dean goes to Hell and comes back 4 months later. Ideologies change...loyalities change. Angels get involved and before you know it......the brothers divorce.

Their relationship is so co-dependent that their split ideologies make for discord which leads to the epic fight in 4.21 "When the Levee Breaks".

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Mom thinks Sam is Evil

This is truly sad. My mom is as much a Sam girl as myself, but today I asked her: "Do you think Sam is evil?" And she said yes. She thought what he was doing was going to corrupt him and bring him to a bad end. She is also concerned that Dean will fall to evil.

This is my mom who couldn't stand to watch Sam in BUABS. She's usually right on target with her thoughts about the boys! :(
Sam's actions thus far have not been evil. He only uses his powers against demons. He's never harmed a human. He was reluctant to use the blood until after CAIADB when he couldn't stand the thought of Dean having to fight forever.
I like the complexity of having Sam fall to the darkside, but it is still very sad.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pictures from the Finale

Sammy is just like his daddy in more ways then one! OK, so "Jump the Shark" proved that Sam was like John. I get the feeling that the finale will show Sam to be a lot like Azazel!

Look at this picture:

You KNOW You've seen this image before! Except this time....Sammy's doing the pinning!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Absolute Shallowness on a Cloudy Day

From 2008, really, what a body!

This is from the recent LA Convention.

Love the way they look at each other!

There ought to be a law about being this handsome!

I just love smart!Dean, so I added the last one where he is researching. Just love it.