Why didn't Michael kill Lucifer? Did he love him too much? Was it that Michael simply could not kill his brother; so he banished him instead. Does this sound at all familiar? Dean can not kill Sam; this has been shown mostly in season 2, but hinted at again and again, to the point where even Lucifer2014 knows that Dean will not kill Sam.
Future Lucifer probably knows Sam quite well after riding him for years, and he probably knows everything Sam knows about his brother. So it's not surprising that he would declare to Dean that Dean will never kill him.
Is it possible that this: "I can't kill my brother" will be the crux of the situation this season? Will the angels attempt to redeem their fallen brother and return him to the fold? Is that even possible? I'd say unlikely if you think of their angry reactions to Anna's disobedience.
But the thing that holds me entralled is the big question: "Where's Michael?" We've met quite a few angels including Raphael, but it's just Zach coming to Dean for vessel permission. I don't trust that at all. Zach has his own agenda and clearly Castiel was kept on need to know. Now he knows nothing at all. So really, Lucifer's walking the Earth and Michael's MIA?

What if it practically "killed" Michael to loose his brother Lucifer? What if the war in Heaven was too high a price to pay and Michael decided to banish himself for not being able to save Lucifer? Michael's self-imposed punishment? Spend his time on Earth traveling as a human. How? Perhaps he was born in a human, lived that life and passed down that human's family from generation to generation. Perhaps he was waiting until that day that he could manifest, that day when Lucifer was set free. That until Lucifer was set free, Michael was trapped in human form. Michael trapped in the form of the hairless apes Lucifer would not bow to, and maybe even Michael agreed, but was obedient to his father. Maybe Michael likes the world or mortals, or flesh?
And you know where this is headed: Perhaps Michael was born in Dean. Perhaps he is lying in there waiting, dormant. Makes sense when you think of how the angels laid seige to Hell to save a human. Of course that human is the only vessel for Michael. That we know, but his brother should be just as suitable (this was shown in the "Rapture" with Claire and Jimmy).
So why Dean? Why MUST Sam be Lucifer's vessel? Is it destiny or just one possible future?
And where is Michael?
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