I opted to use mostly real life Jared and Jensen photos (and a few from the show) while speculating on season 5 (which starts Sept. 10) !!!
Pure speculation based lightly on spoilers for season 5 and hints from previous seasons:
---Sam and Dean will separate,
but will reunite when they finally realize they are two halves to a whole.
but will reunite when they finally realize they are two halves to a whole.

---Dean will use Michael's sword to kill Lucifer, but only is able to b/c of something special in his blood. This something special might be in Sam's blood too and is the answer to why he had to be the one to let Satan out.

---There will be other angels who are on humanities side than Cas and Anna.

---Meg's storyline will be finally told...I mean why is she so darn jealous?

---Somewhere, someone else said they wanted God to be a powerful black woman...I can't agree more.

---The Trickster returns and he helps the boys.

---Sam is changed permanently by what he has done, but it makes him able to defeat Lucifer.

---But by the end: Sam receives redemption.

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