You’re living in a godless universe says Raphael.
Maybe if we have an apocalypse He’ll return.
I think Death thinks the same thing. He’s missing that other half.
Like Dean missed Sammy.
Except Sam’s body was resurrected by Lucifer, who had the juice to spit the body up top, but not the soul.
And Sam stands under a light, that flickers, because behind him is an angel or a demon. Castiel has done regrettable things.
Death’s little lackey Crowley proved foolish and unreliable as he thought he would. Crowley couldn’t get what Death really needed, an alpha monster powerhouse to raise all the dead. So Death wasn’t heart broken at that loss.
Sam can do the same work, if he can access what lies behind the wall. And Death knows it won’t be long before his little protégé and intrepid detective Dean finds out that secret. The secret that Sam is hiding inside.
And then Sam will offer to open the dam and let out the secret that will find purgatory and Mommy and inadvertently release Lucifer and Michael and continue the apocalypse which is suppose to happen but can’t because the Winchesters are always upsetting the natural order of the universe.
And then maybe those squirrelly archangels will zip off to the heavens eventually and Death will go on doing what he does until the end of time.
And how will it end for the brothers Win? Well, here’s to some crazy ideas:
• After having upset the natural order from the get-go, Death transports both Sam and Dean to that fateful day in 1973 when Mary made the deal with Azazel. Mary says “No” and the boys flicker out as we fade to black
• After having upset the natural order from the get-go, Death transports Dean to Cold Oak where he burns his brother’s remains on the funeral pyre. Dean returns to Lisa and lives happily ever after.
• After having upset the natural order from the get-go, Death transports Sam to Nebraska where he spends three weeks amusing his dying brother Dean. After Dean’s passing, Sam returns to Stanford and the apocalypse is derailed.
• After having upset the natural order from the get-go, Death transports Dean and Sam to that fateful day when they realized Azazel was possessing John. Sam kills Yellow eyes and gets Dean safely to a hospital. The two continue their lives as hunters, serving their father’s memory.
And in the cracktastic version:
• To complete the balance, Dean must pay his debt to the fairy realm and travels there to service Oberon, meanwhile, Sam, in lonely despair, hunts down Lucky, gets turned into a dog, and wanders the back roads of America…furry.
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