Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Season Six Ended in Dissappointment

Soulless Bastard !!!! Lucifer wanna be!!! I loved you!!!!

Maybe like the fact that Kyp Durron hasn't had more than a line or two in the most recent set of books, my hero Sam Winchester hasn't had a spine or an ounce of darkness since his resouling. This sadddens me. In supernatural fiction, typically one of the "good guys" has powers, abilities, secrets, connections to the supernatural, etc.... Sam was that character. Season Six gave us Sam as a soulless thing, and that provided mystery and tension, but then he got his soul back and Sam lost any amount of chutzpah he ever had on his wimpiest day. He was as much fun to watch as Kyp the wise (and calm) Jedi master on a diplomatic mission (this happened in the recent book).

As if that was bad enough, the only conflict turns out to be straight forward. Cas turns to the darkside (yawn)! Seriously!!!!!! That's it? So Cas swallows all the purgatory souls and is this new unstoppable creature. He was their friend! That's like character assassination to the 1,000,000 th degree!!!!!


Where is Death in all of this? Shouldn't he want an apocalypse? It's kinda his job. He wants balance, right? Then he needs to show up in season seven. I am happy there will be more, but I am worried that Sam will no longer have powers or connections to Hell. This would bore me. However, if he has Hell memories, perhaps we can hope that he will have that internal conflict and struggle.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dean must die

How does it all end? Here in I dare to speculate once again. Frankly, it's like this:

Dean must die.

Dean has escaped a natural death twice and countless unnatural ones. But let's talk about the natural deaths. In "Faith" Dean's electrocution was severe enough to damage his heart. The doctor told him he had about one month left to live. The injury was electrocution, an accident, no act of god, angels or demons. In "In my time of dying" Dean is near death due to a head injury from a car accident. In both cases he cheats death.

In the next episode fate is messed with by the angel Baltazar and Fate comes to call. Will she be angry at Dean who has been given two free passes in his life plus all the angelic interference on his multiple deaths and avoidances of fate? One does wonder.

And what lies behind Sam's wall?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The New Big Bad

Supernatural was postponed this week by the CW! That was the anguished cry of 5 million fans heard round the world. We are slowly gtting over it as we know we will get our beloved show on February 4th, but still, the pain!
All that aside, we have been tempted by a story that there will be a new "big bad" introduced in the upcoming episode. I've been thinking hard about what type of creature we have yet to see. Mom actually went there and said:" What about the queen of heaven?" Woah, deep!
Then I was thinking about which entity would be upset that DEan and Sam constantly upset the natural order of things. This, coupled with a spoiler for a character named Atropos, led me to speculate that the Fates themselves may ge t involved in a world where the natural order is denied. The following was my thoughts:

I think I figured it all out.

There is going to be a new big bad. What entity have we not yet seen? Will it be female or male? What mythology will it derive from?

I think the Supernatural writing team has put their Bible back on the shelf and taken down a new tome to study. I’m going to speculate that they are going to use western mythology next and bring us a big bad that’s not so much evil, as it is grandiose.

I think it’s going to be the 3 Fates. Why? There was a character name spoiler for 6.16 “Your Time is Gonna Come.” The character was Atropos. That’s the Fate that cuts the thread of life. She is inevitable, she can not be escaped.

It is said she is even more powerful than God. So it wouldn’t be a stretch to say she is more powerful than Death. Nor would we be stretching if we said she was the entity making the list of who must be reaped. It would follow that she would be invested in the natural order of things and that the Winchesters, who have repeatedly broken the natural order, would be on her radar. I’m not completely sure what she would want, besides things to be as they are destined to be!

I also would speculate that no matter who the big bad turns out to be, it’s the 5th entity that can not be killed by the Colt (God, Death, Angels, Reapers, being the first four). Perhaps that’s why Sam and Dean travel back in time to meet Samuel Colt and learn the secrets of the gun.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

You can't handle the speculation!

You’re living in a godless universe says Raphael.

Maybe if we have an apocalypse He’ll return.

I think Death thinks the same thing. He’s missing that other half.

Like Dean missed Sammy.

Except Sam’s body was resurrected by Lucifer, who had the juice to spit the body up top, but not the soul.

And Sam stands under a light, that flickers, because behind him is an angel or a demon. Castiel has done regrettable things.

Death’s little lackey Crowley proved foolish and unreliable as he thought he would. Crowley couldn’t get what Death really needed, an alpha monster powerhouse to raise all the dead. So Death wasn’t heart broken at that loss.

Sam can do the same work, if he can access what lies behind the wall. And Death knows it won’t be long before his little protégé and intrepid detective Dean finds out that secret. The secret that Sam is hiding inside.

And then Sam will offer to open the dam and let out the secret that will find purgatory and Mommy and inadvertently release Lucifer and Michael and continue the apocalypse which is suppose to happen but can’t because the Winchesters are always upsetting the natural order of the universe.

And then maybe those squirrelly archangels will zip off to the heavens eventually and Death will go on doing what he does until the end of time.

And how will it end for the brothers Win? Well, here’s to some crazy ideas:

• After having upset the natural order from the get-go, Death transports both Sam and Dean to that fateful day in 1973 when Mary made the deal with Azazel. Mary says “No” and the boys flicker out as we fade to black

• After having upset the natural order from the get-go, Death transports Dean to Cold Oak where he burns his brother’s remains on the funeral pyre. Dean returns to Lisa and lives happily ever after.

• After having upset the natural order from the get-go, Death transports Sam to Nebraska where he spends three weeks amusing his dying brother Dean. After Dean’s passing, Sam returns to Stanford and the apocalypse is derailed.

• After having upset the natural order from the get-go, Death transports Dean and Sam to that fateful day when they realized Azazel was possessing John. Sam kills Yellow eyes and gets Dean safely to a hospital. The two continue their lives as hunters, serving their father’s memory.

And in the cracktastic version:

• To complete the balance, Dean must pay his debt to the fairy realm and travels there to service Oberon, meanwhile, Sam, in lonely despair, hunts down Lucky, gets turned into a dog, and wanders the back roads of America…furry.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

A little speculation...

We are a few days less than 4 weeks from the return of season six of Supernatural. Or in golf terms, the back nine. We've had all our preliminary lessons on the monster breeding and world domination theory, we've seen that angels fall into 3 camps, and we've also seen that there is a high value on the human soul. Death, himself appeared and encouraged Dean to continue his "intrepid" detective work in finding the meaning behind these souls. And Death, a being clearly as powerful as God willingly retrieved Sam's soul from the Cage.

Along the journey we found that Crowley was behind finding alpha monsters and supposedly getting Sam's body out of Hell, but then we learned he was all talk and no abilities and Castiel fried him up extra crispy. So I guess he's out of the game. Alpha monsters not only have taken a liking to Dean, they seem to have a connection to him also. Once you are in their camp, I guess it builds a connection to you. Perhaps this will come into play as Dean's story of discovering not only the deal with souls, but why the Alphas are on the rise. And I can't help but wonder if the answer to the location of purgatory is related to the idea that the fairy realm is an ultraterrestrial location overlapping our own.

Maybe Dean will need to explore his connections to the monsters.

I could say the same for Sam. After spending considerable time in the cage likely attacked by two angry archangels on a daily basis, all parties involved say he is likely very damaged. I believe Death said his soul was "filleted". So Death puts up a protective barrier in Sam's mind so he will be shielded from the worst of his memories of his torture. But what if the answers that Sam and Dean need are found behind that wall? Sam is a constant liar, will he hold back on what he knows or go the self-sacrifice route? Will he want to go there to retrieve it and Dean will protest, and there we have our season cliff hanger.

Until 28 January! Peace, love, and speculation!