"Bridge over troubled waters....."
Thoughts about where Show is headed:
Point One
If God wanted Lucifer dead, he’d be dead.
According to Jeremy Carver, he is one of the four posts that holds up the throne of God. Each post held up by an archangel. Problem is, not one of those archangels are at their posts (literally). I speculate that they aren’t going to kill Lucifer. And I think God wants him alive. I think it’s a big God test, and I think God is testing out the concept of free will.
As “Dark Side of the Moon” showed, God is walking the Earth. God does not want to be involved. Someone so eloquently stated that perhaps it’s more about brothers, more about angel brothers and human brothers learning to realize they share one dad in common and even though that experience is not the same, it is still valid for that brother. One has to understand that a different point of view does not mean wrong, nor selfish, it just is. Sounds an awful lot like the message we were suppose to take from “Dark Side”.
Lucifer told Dean that it always would end in that garden. The garden was also shown to be the center of Heaven. If God can forgive Sam and let him enter paradise, then why not Lucifer?
I think the ending might not be as we suspected.
Point Two
Sam and Dean are soul mates. Now that doesn’t mean they are destine to be lovers, it means much more on a spiritual level. I have stated they are two halves of a whole since I began watching this show. I may be proven more than metaphorically correct by show’s end.
"The supreme state of human love
is the unity of one soul within two bodies"
~ Sri Aurobindo
The above quote was written by a spiritual leader a century ago. But it spoke to me because it seems that is the definition of what Sam and Dean are. I’m not sure how this happened, but they complete each other. This must be why they are the one true vessel. This is why the apocalypse had to happen now, the planets were aligned...LOL, no. What was aligned was the combination of souls born to one family. The cosmos had waited for this moment. Only their two souls were not only capable of vesseling the archangels, but the only two capable of healing their broken bonds. The only way there is any hope in reuniting Heaven lies in the perfect cosmic combination of the Winchesters.
I like my theory! I hope I get to squee a lot in May at the finale.
"Got to get us back, to the Garden..."

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