Powers!Sam is BACK!!! WooHooo!!!!! \0/ Sam encounters Famine (the Horseman) and gets up a craving for blood. After drinking two vessels dry he heads over to a Biggerson's (An All You can Eat Sign prominent on the wall) and finds Dean and Cas in peril from 5 demons and Famine. Sam ipecac's the dmeons all at once and then tries a little mojo on Famine. But Famine isn't affected. However, Sam seemingly rips the demons inside Famine out through Famine's skin and tears the Horseman apart! It's a grusome, yet beautiful thing.

Later, Sam must detox, but his pain, his sacrifice of that bit of his humanity, ended the run of another Horsemen. So far, he and Dean are 2-0 against them.
LJ speculation is beginning to grow on a few fronts. One is that Sam is carrying Lucifer's Grace in him. Another is that Lucifer might get redeemed. Personally I hope for both of them.
I'd also love it if Sam and Dean became disembodied and then just their physical selves vesseled the angels. That would mean that the earthly brothers could communicate with the Heavenly brothers!!!
The show is on Hiatus until March 25th, and then returns and runs full out until the season finale. No word on Season 6 yet!
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