In a show that gives us the “boy with the demon blood” and his brother who spent 10 years as a demon, where exactly might they go next?
I’ve seen this theory bantered about, and so I’m going to take off with it:
Sam’s gonna be Lucifer’s vessel and have to fight him from within. Sam has been groomed since age 6 months to be the best. Forced into hunting as a child and later as an adult, Sam has always been better trained than the other psychic kids. He is best suited to be able to handle the power of being possessed by Lucifer.

But let’s not stop there! Let’s throw a wrench into the plan, one that Lucifer himself might like. What if:
Dean and Sam are apostolic protectors of Lucifer’s grace?

We now know that angels possess the grace of God while they are in their heavenly form, but if they fall, the grace is lost or scattered. So theoretically Lucifer’s grace has to be out there somewhere, and I bet he wants it back. But where do you keep the grace of the number one fallen angel? That’s potent stuff to let fall on some random cornfield in Kentucky. I bet God has it locked up really tight: in the body’s of special living people.
And I’ll speculate one of them is Dean Winchester. And here’s how (and yeh, it’s hokey, but so was Anna’s grace in a vial hanging from Uriel’s neck).
The grace of Lucifer was passed to all the disciples who carry it within their bloodlines and pass it through the generations. It is scattered around the Earth, but not too many ancestors exist who carry it. However, Dean and Sam are the two left with the greatest power, they were descended from Mary Magdalene and Jesus. That’s why God wanted Dean out of Hell because once they are dead and in Hell, Lucifer an reclaim his grace from them. Fortunately, Lucifer needs more than one person’s grace. Though he has captured many over the years, the strongest is of Jesus’ bloodline. And he has never held that grace before. Now, the only two left on Earth with this blood are Sam and Dean. That’s why Mary smelled so good to Azazel, he knew. Lucifer prefers a Christ blood as he will be strongest when he takes the grace from within.
Now who are all the other psychic kids? They are all the apostolic carriers of the grace, purposefully marked by Azazel, tainted so they might go wrong and end up in Hell where Lucifer could get the grace, tainted through a blood rite that opens their earthly bodies to possible possession by Lucifer. There are many psychic kids because it isn’t easy to make it to the finish line and some are also back up for Sammy to be Lucifer’s vessel. But not the favorites. For Sam will have the strongest of abilities and the grace of Jesus’ bloodline inside.
How will Sam beat him? He will be trapped inside with Lucifer and he will have to overcome him. Dean will fight like crazy to save his brother and maybe we’ll have some divine intervention!
Things that happen in each episode are often a foreshadowing of events to come. Good example was the season two episode Crossroads Blues”. Later of course we see Dean make his desperate deal to save Sam. So I think that Anna’s lost grace will also come into play later on. Probably not this way, but it is fun to make guesses.
I’ve seen this theory bantered about, and so I’m going to take off with it:
Sam’s gonna be Lucifer’s vessel and have to fight him from within. Sam has been groomed since age 6 months to be the best. Forced into hunting as a child and later as an adult, Sam has always been better trained than the other psychic kids. He is best suited to be able to handle the power of being possessed by Lucifer.

But let’s not stop there! Let’s throw a wrench into the plan, one that Lucifer himself might like. What if:
Dean and Sam are apostolic protectors of Lucifer’s grace?

We now know that angels possess the grace of God while they are in their heavenly form, but if they fall, the grace is lost or scattered. So theoretically Lucifer’s grace has to be out there somewhere, and I bet he wants it back. But where do you keep the grace of the number one fallen angel? That’s potent stuff to let fall on some random cornfield in Kentucky. I bet God has it locked up really tight: in the body’s of special living people.
And I’ll speculate one of them is Dean Winchester. And here’s how (and yeh, it’s hokey, but so was Anna’s grace in a vial hanging from Uriel’s neck).
The grace of Lucifer was passed to all the disciples who carry it within their bloodlines and pass it through the generations. It is scattered around the Earth, but not too many ancestors exist who carry it. However, Dean and Sam are the two left with the greatest power, they were descended from Mary Magdalene and Jesus. That’s why God wanted Dean out of Hell because once they are dead and in Hell, Lucifer an reclaim his grace from them. Fortunately, Lucifer needs more than one person’s grace. Though he has captured many over the years, the strongest is of Jesus’ bloodline. And he has never held that grace before. Now, the only two left on Earth with this blood are Sam and Dean. That’s why Mary smelled so good to Azazel, he knew. Lucifer prefers a Christ blood as he will be strongest when he takes the grace from within.
Now who are all the other psychic kids? They are all the apostolic carriers of the grace, purposefully marked by Azazel, tainted so they might go wrong and end up in Hell where Lucifer could get the grace, tainted through a blood rite that opens their earthly bodies to possible possession by Lucifer. There are many psychic kids because it isn’t easy to make it to the finish line and some are also back up for Sammy to be Lucifer’s vessel. But not the favorites. For Sam will have the strongest of abilities and the grace of Jesus’ bloodline inside.
How will Sam beat him? He will be trapped inside with Lucifer and he will have to overcome him. Dean will fight like crazy to save his brother and maybe we’ll have some divine intervention!
Things that happen in each episode are often a foreshadowing of events to come. Good example was the season two episode Crossroads Blues”. Later of course we see Dean make his desperate deal to save Sam. So I think that Anna’s lost grace will also come into play later on. Probably not this way, but it is fun to make guesses.
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