After viewing the latest Supernatural episode a few days ago I've been making my usual round of reading posts and opinions. And now my brain hurts! While the first 4 shows have helped answer many questions, they've created more.

Now we know Sam's got evil inside him. Okay, but what exactly does that mean? Is he the anti-Christ? Lucifer's vessel? Stronger than Lucifer? Can he overcome it?

We know he has powers: so are the powers inherently evil? WAs he born with them? What exactly did the blood feeding do? Was Gordon rigth? Why did Gordon decide he was not just a monster, but the anti-Christ? Is it better to use powers that are humane, even if they are demon given? What has Ruby taught?
Sam's honesty: Sure Sam shared a bunch with big bro', but what's he still hiding? What other nifty powers can he use? If Ruby was gone for part of the four months, what was Sammy up to besides drinking heavily.

The Bromance: Holy God, the bromance is even more stoked this season!!!! Just kiss each other...all right! These two are so frikin co-dependent it's crazy! Dean's fear of abdonment and Sam's need for approval. OMG! Will Dean's overbearing big bor' routine drive Sammy away as it did briefly in "Scarecrow"? Sam's used to making his own decisions and deciding on the hunts (notice it was Travis calling in Sam's help in "Metamorphosis" and Dean agreeing to go where Sam directed. Will we get more of "you're bossy...and short" this season?

That pain in the ass angel! Will Cass plant ideas into Dean's head or offer him "choices" that have no good options. "I can send you back to hell." kinda makes you a little more obedient. Of course that reminds me of Ruby's likely fear that Sam will send her back to hell. So we have two lap dogs for the opposition. Yeh...just great.

See why my brain hurts?
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