Still love Kyp Durron, don't worry, but I thought this was the right place to blog about my new found love of the TV show Supernatural.
My own thoughts on Supernatural and why I love it. First off, there is some incredibly well written and thoughtful “meta” out there analyzing the show and the Winchester family. My writing could not hold a candle to it. I swear all the fans of the show must have been English majors. But this is my personal fangirl page; so I won’t spend too much time or worry over the quality of my theories.
How did I discover the show? Oddly, I had a vague idea it existed. I’d actually read a x-over fan fic with Kyp, Dean and Sam in it (and it’s copied on here somewhere). But, despite knowing it was, in my simplest terms, a show a bout two hot guys who chase after weird shit, I still didn’t watch it. Finally, three weeks ago I tried to find it on You Tube….no luck, but! I could buy it through iTunes (cause at that point I just wanted to sample it to see if I liked it…remember, TV repulses me)!
But it wasn’t like a TV show. I guess really good programs make you think of movies rather than TV. Let’s just say, I was instantly impressed (and hooked). It’s taken me no time at all to watch all the seasons at least once and read the impressive meta out there.
But I don’t read the fan fiction. I think everything I need Sam and Dean to be and to do happens for me within the series. I don’t need to know what they ate for dinner, talked about on the way to a hunt….and sure as hell don’t want to read about them having sex with each other (there are tons of wincest stories and they are gross). I have no problem with slash, but geez! They’re brothers!!!!
Before I continue to why I love this show I need to mention how much this story reminds me of Star Wars. Dean is clearly Han Solo [wise ass bravado hiding the insecurity within, ordinary guy who has great luck and a hunter’s instincts, drives that Impala like the Millennium Falcon, it’s his identity…always has the “kid’s” back….I could go on]. Sam is Luke Skywalker [reluctant hero, pressed into leaving his life behind, is a chosen one with powers, plays in straight forward, a little geeky, but oh so adorable and well meaning, fears his destiny will overwhelm his free will]. There are tons of SW references and one liners within the show: Dean states after he’s mind tricked by a psychic kid: “He full on Obi-Wanned me!”

Why do I love the show? To start, with the two brothers spend their time hunting bad things, all the while keeping in mind the ultimate enemies are the demons who may want Sam to lead them. So there is also the draw of the mystery of the yellow eyed demon and his plans for the psychic children. There is the mystery of their mother Mary (why did she recognize the demon?). All this is very interesting and draws you in. The first time I watched several of the episodes I was genuinely spooked.
Ok, then there are the brothers. A combination of things makes this work. # 1 is that Ackles and Padalecki work so well together they could pass for true brothers. The dynamic of their interactions (Padalecki’s straight man to Ackles’ smart ass) makes them truly charming. The writing is humorous both in a witty and a pop culture way. The lines Dean delivers constantly crack me up. And then there are those “chick flick” moments when the brothers attempt to share their emotions and remain manly. It’s just beautiful man!
I had initially thought that die to Sammy being so emo he was the touchy-feely of the two. Not true. Someone did a study and Dean touches Sam three times more often. Who would have thunk it!
Finally! Jensen Ackles is a near perfect specimen to look at. Jared Padalecki seemed initially blah until I started watching the show. He’s one of those people who are 100 times more attractive when they smile. He is extremely cute when you watch him in an interview, and very lively. But, in Hell House [I think] we see Sammy in a towel……oh wow does he have a great body!

But I don’t watch Supernatural cause the boys are cute. I watch it because it is the hero’s journey of two brothers who can never go home again; who, if they survive their journey will have to create a new world/new home for themselves instead. I’m hoping the show is allowed to complete the 5 seasons it’s creator Eric Kripke envisioned to complete his story properly.
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