This was Aaron Allston's finale to the LOTF series. It was spectacular! 10 out of 10!!! Very energetic and it gave us everything we wanted from the characters. And yes, it was VERY Kyp heavy!!!!
Kyp first is shown basically leading the Order b/c Luke is in mourning and disfunctional. Kyp, with the help of the other master's, puts together a plan to neutralize Jacen. Later, we see the master's spar. It is Kyp who takes on Luke. Luke even uses two sabers at once and it is written that Kyp matches him for speed. They don't win, they just turn off the lightsabers and move on to another topic of discussion.
Later, there is to be a run on Jacen's ship...it does not happen, but it would have been Kyp and Luke storming Jacen.
Finally, we see Kyp disguised as a GAG officier attacking Centerpoint. With the help of the scientist from the first book (Betrayal), Kyp effectively destroys the superweapon and saves the planet!!!!!
And Kyp comes up with the rally: "Let the enemy do the work!"
Allston includes fun props to all his pets including Lando discovering he is going to be a daddy!!!
Excellent book!
ps....crappy cover! So I replaced it with this evil Ben done by Little Zion. Ben is fine in the novel. Showing maturity and acceptance and helping Luke get grounded. And by the end Luke is just fine.
Oh! How can I forget!!! This is where Han and Leia discover Allana is their granddaughter! Very very sweet scene after an energetic rescue scene!
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