Friday, September 15, 2006

Occasional Random Thoughts

It's all about genetics, right? Where did Kyp's power come from, mom or dad. We speculate in fanfiction, but we know in the NJO era the power is often inherited. The more Midi-chlorians you have (with training) the stronger you are, the faster you are, the clearer you can see the future, the less concentration you require to move massive objects (dark siders do it with even greater ease because they make objects move instead of just willing them to move) etc.

Yeh, but midichlorians make me think of IQ. You can have the potential, but you also have to have the nurturing of the gift and the training to learn to use it fully. If midi’s are like IQ, why would Jacen have less than Luke? I mean really, if midi’s were like any genetic gift why would it dilute. You can inherit intelligence, musical, athletic etc…you are less or greater than your parents. Why would Force gifts be any different?

Someone mentioned willingness to use skills….Jacen has that over the other JedI because IMO he is a Sith. Maybe he isn’t quite the master yet, but he is a Sith. Sorry it’s my opinion.
Yoda could have beaten Palpatine. He refused to use the dark side. Thus he sent the galaxy into 20 years of darkness and oppression.

LOL My IQ of more than 120 is meaningless. I am only a teacher. I do not use my full potential nor work in a brain intelligent demanding job. I have never tapped the potential. Isn't that also true of Jedi?

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