Jaina Solo
Please Jaina, you're our only hope!
No, she's not crazy:
Forget the whole mess with the Killiks, Jaina was just trying to do her objective Jedi duty and got a little carried away.
And no, I don't think she'll ever get together with Kyp, but I'd like to see them act like friends and not strangers. Will it be Zekk or Jag? I don't know.
I think I am beginning to understand Jaina now. She tries to be detached from the situation, but she is really an emotional and passionate woman. She is more hot than cold. She has strong convictions and she will stand up for what she believes. She is what Leia had not yet grown into during the rebellion. Strong in many outward ways, whereas Leia is stronger internally.
Like Jacen, Jaina is detached, like Anakin she is fiery.
And how can we forget: This woman is an awesome pilot!!!! In fact she is now listed as better than Luke! (likely it's her younger reflexes..but is she better than Kyp now too?)
And I am reminded that my father’s death anniversary is coming. And I hate to observe those things. It makes me wonder then. Thinking about Jaina’s behavior after Anakin died I wonder: Am I like Jaina? I kept thinking I was more like Jacen (ugh, the truth hurts). Even though Kyp is the bomb, I am not as much like him. I find they all are confident in their ideals and I would agree that I am too. So I am like Jaina in that I think the whole pilot...kick ass thing is cool, she is powerful, passionate, and stands up for what she believes in.
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