Do they belong together?
So this is a tough call for Jacen, he commits crimes, but is legally sanctioned by the government and society (at the moment at least).
The disorder begins by early adulthood and is indicated by at least five of the following:
1. An exaggerated sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
...in public, saving their conceit and autocratic opinions for their nearest and dearest. Common conspicuous grandiose behaviors include expecting special treatment or admiration on the basis of claiming to be extraordinarily intelligent or talented. For Jacen this would be leading Rogue Squadron and ordering Jaina to do something ethically questionable.
2. Preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
Well this one is easy...unlimited power. Making peace in the galaxy.
3. Believes he is "special" and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
Translation: Narcissists think that everyone who is not special and superior is worthless. By definition, normal, ordinary, and average aren't special and superior, and so, to narcissists, they are worthless. For Jacen: this is the analogy of the Gardener
4. Requires excessive admiration He's a media darling and handsome to boot!
5. Has a sense of entitlement
Translation: I am the Chosen One
6. Selfishly takes advantage of others to achieve his own ends Where to begin...Tenel Ka and the Hapan Fleet, way back to Ganner's sacrifice? Lately he uses the World Brain and the Ferals...I'm sure I could think of more.
7. Lacks empathy He used to be empathic with animals which empowered his Vongsense, but he doesn't genuinely feel. I think Jacen has to act out feelings and emotions, but I don't think they come to him naturally.
8. Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him We haven't seen this blatently yet, but it has potential.
9. Shows arrogant, haughty, patronizing, or contemptuous behaviors or attitudes " I'm a Jedi, my ideas are right, that's all you need to know."
So Kyp gives Luke a bit of parenting advice. Luke’s in deep with the screw up’s with Ben. The kid’s just started his teen years and he’s apprenticed to a Sith Adept and has been raised by this Sith since he was nine. I think this is the pivotal point where Luke could still exercise some control over Ben, but past this, I think we’ll see trouble.
People who hate Kyp are likely going to say him recommending Jacen as Master was really dumb and proves he is a fool blinded to Jacen’s evil. I don’t think Kyp is acting the fool. I think Kyp recognizes there is a multi layered situation going on. One, Jacen is popular with the public and any action towards him by the Jedi Order will be scrutinized. Two, he is definitely beyond the Order…”we all know what he can do.” Three, it’s best not to alienate those who might oppose you. [point the old order never got with Anakin Skywalker].
Kyp remembers Luke’s gesture of placing him on the advisory Council and how that reconciled the two men. And I think maybe, but I am not sure, we see some Jedi compassion on Kyp’s part. He knows the benefit of Skywalker welcoming him home after his dark side. He wants to extend that to Jacen preemptively.
Later we see two other references to Jacen as Master. One from the media and the other as Jacen is thinking. So perhaps it will happen in the next book. All Sithliness aside, Jacen is a master of the Force and is older than Kyp was when he was made a master.
My instant reaction was to like the book. I think I like the idea of war not being a black and white issue (wrong/right whose side you on). I liked seeing Ben's thoughts, I'm intrigued by crazy Jacen. I feel real pity for Luke and Han. Han should retire, and he can't and it is ridiculous and embarracssing. Luke is dithering, but htis time it makes sense. Mara is still failing to win me any simpathy and Jaina's part is too small.
I will write a complete review later when more awake! Oh and Jacen does mind wipe during a torture session; so the picture I made is accurate.
I can't wait to get this book! It is driving me crazy waiting for it.
Kid looks like this, and he hasn't been slashed yet! Pouty Little Jedi Boy! Weird. I forgot where this is from, but I think the artist was trying to show Kyp when he escaped the Maw by posing as a stormtrooper. He looks pretty pissed off if you ask me.
I wouldn't necessarily say his "father" KJA made him pissed. He felt wronged. He was bitter to have had the Empire take so much from him. But mostly he was on a vendetta. He felt self rightous, he was right and he was justified to use an means neccessary to destroy the Empire. He felt omnipotent. And who wouldn't if you just learned to utilize magic powers and had the greatest superweapon at your disposal? KJA gave us impatient Kyp, eager, intrepid, thoughtful, free thinking, over confident, proud, zealous and after he knew he was wrong....contrite, proud, a little afraid of himself, but still all of the above. Even when taken by the darkside he wasn't crazy or manically mean. He was on a mission and fueled by the darkside's power more than anything.
Then we have Simple Tricks. Kyp's had a little time to think about what happened. Probably had a lot of time while recovering in the hospital with all those broken bones (and don't tell me it was the lightside that saved his skinny ass...he tapped the dark to stay alive and mend himself). But I do digress. So in ST, Kyp is a bit passively suicidal. He is quiet, remorseful, and he longs for society to just forgive him and let him do the good he longs to do as a Jedi. He is strong, skilled, helpful, non-judgemental, full of the Force in a good way, and true to himself. He respects life and tries his best to protect all. Mostly he craves acceotance. He's still young and even carries an air of innocence to himself.
In Darksaber, KJA continues his personality. Impatient and impetous...and again in Leviathan more of the same. We also see some empathy going on
Now we jump forward to Vector Prime and the NJO, let's see if I can abbriviate:
VP: arrogant, daring, flirty, powerful, resilient, protector, active, agressive, independent
Dark Tide: Sithly...sneaky, snarky, spoke strangely to Luke (As you wish it, my Master), organized council of war, still indpendent and big advocate of aggression, hinted it would be better to use the darkside than do nothing...calls Luke, "greatest among equals"
Agent: helpful, much more back to VP style, Rescue is our mandate
Edge of victory: more agressive at those Jedi meetings, went against Luke, but had many followers, Luke worried about the darkside and tracked him. got really snarky & manipulative with Jaina, lied, but only to get the job done. Doesn't do anything for his own glory, but he does think what he does matters and that others should emulate him.
SBS: so independent nearly was no longer a jedi, impatient and wanted to rescue kids, arrogant, sneaky, full of his skills. Denning wanted to kill him, but could not so he tried to put him down by creating "Crusty Kyp":
Crusty Kyp was truly funny. I had forgotten how Denning hated Kyp and wanted to kill him. So Denning wrote about the dirty stinkiness to “get back” at the character. That of course is why he turns up all hygiene impaired in DNT. It’s really quite funny when you think about it. We all know Kyp is the handsomest Jedi in the order!!!
DJ: arrogant, good intentions, powerful, compasionate , patient with Jaina helpful, ready to pay his debt, a little dark, learns about self
RD and RS: team player! compassionate, reflective, patient
Destiny's way: leader, has squadron again, joins council, honest, forthright, suddenly he is the same person, but accepted!
TUF: too weak to beat the enhanced warior's !!! HUH? 5 seed partners, compassionate, worried about Alpha Red, gentle, forgiving of Corran, peaceful
DNT: can't go there at the moment, he lapsed some! Denning was not paying attention!
LOTF: better show up or I'll loose it!