Should Kyp be with Jaina...or should he be with someone else?
I had to really think on this….I think Kyp needs someone who is his equal. That means someone very strong emotionally, intelligent, confident, with a strong sense of who he/she was. That could be Jaina, but she keeps getting written like an adolescent although she is 31! I do agree that she was too young at 18 or 19 and they just weren’t in the same place at that time. My favorite Kyp thought from Allston: “He could make her happy.“ (RD, p. 278). Poor Kyp, she chooses Jag and Kyp is so tolerant of it...he saves the guy’s life and then has to go rest while Jaina and Jag probably had sex! Ahhh poor Kyp! His behavior during that time was so noble despite it being a fairly uncomfortable triangle.
Kyp sort of got stiffed from the get go. He was only a teen while at the Jedi Academy, but since the Academy had just started there wasn’t anyone else his age. Kyp was sort of shut out of the love loop by being too young and then later too old as a Jedi. There were no Jedi in his age range when he was younger for any silly academy crushes like Jaina shared with Zekk. So then Kyp probably would have turned to non-Force sensitives who would either like him for his “bad boy” reputation or be frightened to death by him. Either way, that’s not how to build a lasting relationship. And while in his 20’s Kyp would still probably be learning about himself and not as mature as needed for something lasting. So by the time he is ready to “settle down” in NJO, Jaina is at the stage he had just grown out of! So perhaps their ages are a factor. Now at 31 and 45, maybe not anymore. But I certainly don’t think he is a virgin or a goodie goodie. I am sure he gets what he needs! But I bet Kyp would love a “normal” life and a “legacy” of his own.
Does Kyp like men? Would Kessel have traumatized his sexuality? I won’t venture an opinion here. I just don’t know. Would men find him attractive? I’d say yes, especially when he was younger because I do picture him having a beautiful face and a hot body (not he-man muscled, but toned). So if Han can get slashed (never read any slash, but now I am curious) why not Kyp? I would think Kyp with either Luke or Jacen would make sense. Why? Because Luke was his “teacher” and they were both single during the JAT days. Jacen is just the homosexual version of the Jaina ship. I can see Kyp being his master etc…
Has anyone written J/J/K as a threesome based on that whole partners thing in the Allston books? That would be one lucky Jaina!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
The Happy Family of LOTF
Saturday, July 22, 2006
The Tempest Snippet

And here is the backcover of "TEMPEST" (by Troy Denning)
As civil war threatens the unity of the Galactic Alliance, Han and Leia Solo have enraged their families and the Jedi by joining the Corellian insurgents. But the Solos draw the line when they discover the rebels' plot to make the Hapan Consortium an ally--which rests upon Hapan nobles murdering their pro-Alliance queen and her daughter. Yet the Solos' selfless determination to save the queen cannot dispel the inescapable consequences of their actions that will pit mother against son and brother against sister in the battles ahead. For as Jacen Solo's dark powers grow stronger under the Dark Jedi Lumiya, and his influence over Ben Skywalker becomes more insidious, Luke's concern for his nephew forces him into a life-and-death struggle against his fiercest foe, and Han and Leia Solo find themselves at the mercy of their deadliest enemy... their son.
I'm telling holding back on this baby. the Sith is going to hit the fan. Tenel Ka may find herself wishing she never fucked hot Jedi boy!!!
Poor Han and Leia, to loose one son to death and the other to the darkside. Ouch!!!! Please Jaina, save the day!!!!
And Luke's fierest foe? Hummm will that be Lumiya or his own dark side? I'm hedging his dark side. We shall see!!!!
Meet Jedi Zekk
Who is Baret Saiy ?

Well he is a corellian male according to the DP for Bloodlines. All the other characters get more of a description and let me tell yuou last time they were this vague Brishya Syo turned out to be Lumiya. My point is this unknown male is probably either a cloned Anakin Solo or Jag Fel.
Bloodlines features Lama Su the Kimonian cloner. Maybe....
Jag Fel's mom is Corellian and he dishonored himself among the Chiss, so perhaps he is living under a fake name in Corellia
This new series isn't holding back at all. It is moving at hyperspeed. I thought they would draw out Jacen's turn, but he went right away. So I don't expect anything to go slowly.
This is from the book jacket:
Jacen, now a complete master of the Force, has his own plans to bring order to the galaxy. Guided by his Sith mentor, Lumiya, and with Luke’s young son Ben at his side, Jacen embarks on the same path that his grandfather Darth Vader once did. And while Han and Leia watch their only son become a stranger, a secret assassin entangles the couple with a dreaded name from Han’s past: Boba Fett. In the new galactic order, friends and enemies are no longer what they seem. . . .
And there is the line about:
mother versus son and sister versus brother as Luke faces his deepest fears.
okay so we know whose facing who...but Luke's greatest fear to me is the Darkside. Does this mean he feels he has to tap inot it to beat Jacen?
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