In Rebirth:
Interestingly Kyp’s squadron is shown as being quite in awe of him. “they looked at Kyp as if he were a Master of old.”
However Jaina is not so easily impressed. She tells Kyp, “I’m still not happy with you Kyp. I don’t think I like who you’ve become.”
“I’ve become what I need to be. What your uncle Luke was in the war against the Empire.”
“Boy you must love your mirror.”
“No, I’m not saying I like what I’ve become either, Jaina. Your uncle Luke eventually went to the Darkside--”
“Hey, at least he fought it. You spent what , a week training to be a Jedi before the Darkside seduced you?”
Kyp laughed easily. “Something like that.”
She speaks to the enormous debt he owes Han and Luke for getting him out of the mess after Carida. “But that doesn’t stop you from badmouthing him all over the galaxy…it doesn’t stop you from undermining him as a leader.?”
“Any time Luke is ready to be a leader again, I’m ready to follow him. Kyp responds.
Jaina admonishes Kyp for enjoying the glory of having a squadron that adores him as a leader. Kyp doesn’t deny this truth, however he reminds her that even if he is vain he seeks to destroy the Vong. He continues to remind here of the tragedy of the galaxy and she can sense anger, pity, and grief in him. Remember Kyp believes with all his heart: “Rescue is Our Mandate”.
The conversation turns to Kyp’s philosophy on the role of the Jedi. He makes his famous speech:
That was his war, Jaina. This one is ours. Luke wants to protect us from ourselves. I say we’re all grown up. The old Jedi order died with the Old Republic. Then there was Luke, and only Luke, and a lot of fumbling to re-create the Jedi from what little he knew of them. He did the best he could, and he made mistakes. I was one of them. His generation of Jedi was put together like a rickety space scow, but from it something new has emerged. It’s not the old Jedi order, nor should it be. We, Jaina, are the new Jedi Order, and this is our war.
...continued in What Wedge Said
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