Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Fallen Jedi
Okay, so Jacen isn't really dark, but he is on a quest for knowledge. After 5 years of traveling he had to have learned some Sith stuff, he had to have visited Korriban, I simply refuse to believe he did just happy lightside stuff. How that plays out later remains to be seen, but still!
Luke never really fell to the darkside. In Dark Empire he did just a little, but his whole point was subvert from within! He only wanted to understand his father better.
Anakin's fall was the lamest only because it should have been more complicated. He was a former slave and way to exceptional. He really needed to control the situations around him. This likely came form the lack of control from childhood, but really he should never have been so easily turned. His love for Padme was obsession with a huge possessive streak.
Kyp, former slave....need I say more...give him a girlfriend and a family and he'll show you over protectiveness bordering on possessive!
Monday, May 15, 2006
Kyp's personality was formed through the infinite sadness

He wouldn't have been who he was in the Old Order. there he would have been taken as an infant and trained away from his parents. He would have become an ordinary Jedi. This would have been a NR time and thus his parents wouldn't have be dissidents and wouldn't have been mprisoin ed or killed. So thus Kyp would not have known Kessel, imprisonment, and the sheer hopelessness of an uncertain fate and indefinate slavery. With none of these things to build on and no mistraining by Luke he would have been a very differenent person. He most certainly would have lacked the anger and thus even the level of passion of Mace Windu.
Think about what shaped him:
1. Being raised by dissidents during an oppressive empire
2. Arrest and immprisonment at age 8
3. Working in a spice mine with your parents who can't protect you
4. Losing your parents at age 9, opossibly seeing their murders
5. Spending 7 mnore hopless years imprisoned, starved, beaten, mentally abused and uncertain if you would live or die
6. Escaping to only find that you are interrogated and sentenced to death by Imperialists
All these things would lead you to feel helpless and one way to combat the helplessness is to find empowerment. How?
As a Jedi Kyp could help the enslaved, the oppressed, the exploited and the helpless. So he might be zealous about it, but he feels it is his obligation. It is likely he would be behaving this way even if he had never turned dark. Kyp acts out of a need to protect the galaxy, not to neccessarily atone for his crimes. Having once been so limited with little hope , it is understanding that Kyp would develop the mindset:
"What good is being a Jedi if we don't act?"
He'll carry this ideal throughout his life and choices.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Destiny's Way
p. 47 "Kyp's reflex..was to project concern. Since Jaina's involvement with Jagged Fel, Kyp had been a nurturing presence, almost parental, and neither he nor Jaina knew how to reconcile his new persona with his earlier smoldering identity as the angry young man of the Jedi."
So Kyp had to just step back and let the younger guy get the girl!!! Poor guy! Yet, he's still her friend.
p. 190 Jaina and Kyp discuss Jacen's return and Jaina asks how does she explain her fall to the darkside to which Kyp responds, "you may as well tell him the truth". Good "Be true to yourself Kyp. He may be a murderer and aggressive, but he tells it like it is. That's why he irritates everyone and disagrees with Luke. Not to be a jerk for jerkiness sake, but becasue he is honest to his conscience. "Anger is dark, but the love of justice is light." Kyp is using an analogy to drive home the point that aggression can be justified.
Luke asks him to be on the Jedi council. I thought that was the best! Finally the man gets the respect he deserves. Of course Luke's motive was more to keep an eye on him because it is easier to have control when you let the enemy into the inner circle rather than alienating them.
p.259: "Wouldn't it be greivous to have Kyp running around loose where the council can't control him?"
Kyp is called in to the first council meeting and is surprised. He asks why he is there, but once he realizes he is on the council he begins to do a good job, though there is the oner funny point where Luke admits he needs to be more aggressive and Kyp says: "Am I the only one here who simply wants to punch Skywalker in the nose?"
Kyp is justified in his anger, though by the time he says this statement he has cooled down and is half joking. Luke had been so adament that agression was darkside. The nhe totally changed. Here's Kyp thinking he was wrong and sliding more towards Luke's way of thought. As he saus, "Being a good little Jedi"
Luke defines agression as an unprovoked attack, taking something that is not yours or helping someone take something that is not yours.
By definition Kyp's actions against the pirates and smaugglers were not agression because the pirates were attacking others too weak to defend themselves and Kyp only defended the innocent.
Finally this story has the knighting of the younger Jedi. Kyp knights Jaina becasue she and he are pilots (and well he was her master) and he and Luke knight Zekk because all three knew the darkside.
Overall I liked this book because Kyp was in character as a more mature person who still voices his opinion yet is honored to have his opinion sought after. He is somewhat thoughtful and mentors Jaina.
Rebel Stand
He could make her happy.
I have always found that line so sad because he isn't all that happy himself and yet she's in even worse condition. They are sort of two of the same kind.
I love how they fly together in this novel. It shows that Kyp is really a good guy because Jaina clearly likes Jag better and yet Kyp thinks he doesn't really dislike the other guy. He flies perpendicular to the ground while holding two shadow bombs with the force behind Jag. Jaina is impressed since she can't fly with that much control. So there is Kyp in a physical position to kill his rival and that doesn't even come into his head. He really is not a dark side kind of guy!
I like the idea of Kyp as the awesome pilot. I love the idea he won't fly under military command and he won't wear military clothing. He prefers that the government has no say in what he does. He's his own man and I like that in people in general.
I love his loyality to Jaina and his willingness to sacrifice to help her and Jag. This was truly the pinnacle of Kyp's character arc. I think after this point he was Kyp like, but never again did you question his motives and think he would fall to the darkside.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
The Beginning of "Partners Whatever that Means"
“Not tired, just different. “ Answers Kyp. Han and Leia notice the difference too. “It looks like Jaina’s not the only one who went through changes.”
“Obviously a fake Kyp, you distract him and I’ll shoot him under the table ,” Han jokes back.
He has been humbled by his experience, which oddly only lasted one month. He decides to fly under Jaina’s command as she plans to wage psychological warfare on the Vong. Unfortunately another green eyed man is going to join them, Jag Fel. The three end up making a team that flies quite successfully tricking and damaging the Vong ships.
Jaina and Kyp use a force meld, but she won’t let herself fully open to him because she is afraid they will grow too close. She believes it is just a matter of time before she is killed and she feels her death would torture Kyp especially if they built too close a force bond. Read it as you want. I think she wasn’t able to fall in love with him because at the time she felt she would die and she couldn’t risk hurting someone. She decided to keep Kyp as her mentor so she could insist he maintain a Master-Apprentice relationship and stop showing her personal interest. So Kyp is abandoned by Jaina. He is abandoned even more later when she decides to try on a relationship with Jag.
First there is some interesting flying in which we see Kyp demonstrate the two things he excels at: piloting and mental control. He launches a shadow bomb and flies it along behind Jag. He does this effortlessly, and Jaina can also, but it isn’t as easy for her. Then Jag is in real trouble and Kyp saves him by turning a dovin basal in on itself which causes the Vong ship to implode. He does this through an incredible amount of Force strength and while he does this he thinks:
He was stronger in the Force than Luke Skywalker. He had known that since they met-that he had more pure power than the legendary Jedi Master. But this was the first time he’d been able to say it to himself without a thrill of pride. He was just stronger and that was all.
A map of the Star Wars Galaxy with the Planets
I liked this map because it was so comprehensive.
Jaina's not so dark journey with Kyp
Kyp’s first really interaction with Jaina is when he shows up at the palace to escort her to Anakin’s funeral. He shows his desire for her when he sees her in the sexy red dress and states, “You couldn’t channel the force in that dress. There’s no room for it to squeeze through.” After the funeral a grieving Jaina avoids her friends by stating Kyp has asked her to be his apprentice. This fully repulses Zekk who basically flees the planet. Kyp and Jaina work together to figure out how to use the stolen ship to create tricks that will fool the Vong and perhaps strike a blow.
Jaina is turning to the Darkside slightly and is fueled by grief, despair, and anger. She needs to do some very questionable things to get information. She wants to use a pirate in prison who has an implant. She asks Kyp to help her. He teaches her how to mind wipe so others don’t know what happened and they can keep it a secret. Since the guy is a pirate Kyp has no problem using the force to overpower him. Jaina on the other hand is more cruel than he. At one point she is so mad at him she tries to shoot him with Force lightening, but he is able to make it fade. “If I can summon it, I can dispel it.” he says.
Later, Jaina is sending up missions and Kyp is angry. They duel and he flies for her. Then they fly together and she has a vision. Kyp intrudes into her visions and brings her back around. It is evident his mind powers are fairly extraordinary with his mind wiping and his ability to get within her visions and bring her back to her senses even though they were in space in separate ships. Despite his toying with the dark, Kyp remains honorable because at the end he realizes:
“Perhaps it is you who is saving me”
Dark Journey marks Kyp’s turning point. He helps Jaina overcome her grief and make safer choices. He faces the Darkside and realizes how close he is to falling to it. They use the battle meld together and become quite mentally in tune with each other. Kyp of course also begins to fall in love with her. At the end they join together to go to Borelias to join up with the rest of the Jedi. Kyp is more willing now to be a team player. He states he wants to help form a Jedi Council.
This One is Trouble
There is minor scene where Anakin, Jaina, and the others are watching at an outpost, but under orders to not engage the Vong. Kyp and the Dozen come along and engage the enemy. Kyp uses the shadow bomb for the first time and Anakin can’t figure out what it is. He is even pondering if Kyp used the Darkside to destroy the ship. Then Kyp’s dozen is in trouble and the “kids” go in to help out. Finally Kyp explains how he used telekinesis to propel the bombs into the coral skippers.
Saba Sabatyne states that Kyp is trouble because he is not willing to listen and he is nearly crazed with compulsion to go into action. Can anyone say mania? Here he is written by Troy Denning who seems to find him to be exceedingly agitated, angry, and impassioned. Once again, not very Jedi like behavior. Luke is nearly done with him flying in on occasion and basically posturing. He tells Kyp he needs his promise. Finally Han takes control and gives Kyp his famed lecture:
“An oath of allegiance, what do you think? Han asked, his tone almost angry. “You promise to obey Luke and do what he says as long as he’ll have you. If you won’t do that, pack your bags and get out now.” He paused and his tone grew a little more gentle. “It’s time you started acting like a Jedi knight.”
Despite all this Kyp turns to his Dozen and asks them if they are willing to follow Luke’s orders and fly with them. He is fiercely democratic with his squadron despite the fact that he is a natural born leader. I think this shows he chooses democracy over dictatorship. He chooses free will over control. He would not make a good Sith Lord with this attitude!
The book ends with Kyp flying during the battle before Coruscant. Most of his squadron dies (is that anything new?) and he goes EV. He helps Cilghal out a bit then goes back into battle during the true Battle of Coruscant. Which is where Dark Journey picks up.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
I had a Vision of the Flanneled One!
So here's what transpired:
Me: "You could have at least let Kyp have someone then killed the character off and had him deal with that ."
GL: "That's entirely possible"
GL: "His life will never be easy. He's chosen this path. His lot in life is to suffer and he's in for a lot of suffering in LOTF."
ME: "So your saying somewhere in the next 2 years and 9 stories we will see some resolution of Kyp?"
GL: "You'll see him at some point in the series."
That's it!!!!! Let's see if my prediction powers are there!
Friday, May 05, 2006
James Hetfield secretly understands Kyp!
I adapt to the unknown
Under wandering stars I’ve grown
By myself but not alone
I ask no one...and my ties are severed clean
The less I have the more I gain
Off the beaten path I reign
Rover wanderer
Nomad vagabond
Call me what you will
But I’ll take my time anywhere
I’m free to speak my mind anywhere
And I’ll never mind anywhere
Anywhere I may roam
Where I lay my head is home
So Kyp...so cool!
Great lyrics James! I always had an affection for Metallica anyway!
What Wedge Said
This is in response to him falling to the Darkside in a week. I thought it was somewhat odd that he would have taken that lightly. Typically Kyp is humbled by his fall.
The novel proceeds to Chandrila to meet with Wedge and Gavin. Wedge is angry to have to meet with Kyp, whom he obviously still hates for violating Qui Xux’s mind fourteen years before. “Durron, I don’t t like you. The very best thing you are is a murderer.”
He listens to Kyp’s description of the ship yard and then irritates Kyp who angrily jumps up, to which Wedge commands, “Shut up and sit down.”
Wedge agrees to take on the unofficial mission and Kyp agrees to take his orders. Kyp was willing to submit to Wedge’s unbridled hatred in order to get what he needed.
Kyp asks Jaina to be his apprentice and she states she will think about it. This won’t come up again until Hapes after the ill-fated mission against the voxyn.
The team attacks the Vong shipyard and destroys it. They also destroy what they think is a super weapon, but it was an empty world ship. Jaina is furious that Kyp would lie to her. Wedge and Gavin of course are furious, but the others are happy to have struck such a blow. This action of Kyp’s remains controversially questionable: was it a dark act? But no Vong innocents were on the ship. They were on dying worldships. The Vong would have needed the new worldship eventually, but now they were set back in their creation of new homes.
Kyp does not behave like an honorable Jedi. He lies and deceives. He is the aggressor. He is vain and arrogant and willing to do anything necessary to get what he needs. He is “the ends justify the means” kind of guy at this point. He is still in danger of making choices which are dark and of possibly going all the way to the Darkside and he does not seem bothered by it in the least. “I will do what I must” he tells Jaina.
Edge of Victory: Rebirth

In Rebirth:
Interestingly Kyp’s squadron is shown as being quite in awe of him. “they looked at Kyp as if he were a Master of old.”
However Jaina is not so easily impressed. She tells Kyp, “I’m still not happy with you Kyp. I don’t think I like who you’ve become.”
“I’ve become what I need to be. What your uncle Luke was in the war against the Empire.”
“Boy you must love your mirror.”
“No, I’m not saying I like what I’ve become either, Jaina. Your uncle Luke eventually went to the Darkside--”
“Hey, at least he fought it. You spent what , a week training to be a Jedi before the Darkside seduced you?”
Kyp laughed easily. “Something like that.”
She speaks to the enormous debt he owes Han and Luke for getting him out of the mess after Carida. “But that doesn’t stop you from badmouthing him all over the galaxy…it doesn’t stop you from undermining him as a leader.?”
“Any time Luke is ready to be a leader again, I’m ready to follow him. Kyp responds.
Jaina admonishes Kyp for enjoying the glory of having a squadron that adores him as a leader. Kyp doesn’t deny this truth, however he reminds her that even if he is vain he seeks to destroy the Vong. He continues to remind here of the tragedy of the galaxy and she can sense anger, pity, and grief in him. Remember Kyp believes with all his heart: “Rescue is Our Mandate”.
The conversation turns to Kyp’s philosophy on the role of the Jedi. He makes his famous speech:
That was his war, Jaina. This one is ours. Luke wants to protect us from ourselves. I say we’re all grown up. The old Jedi order died with the Old Republic. Then there was Luke, and only Luke, and a lot of fumbling to re-create the Jedi from what little he knew of them. He did the best he could, and he made mistakes. I was one of them. His generation of Jedi was put together like a rickety space scow, but from it something new has emerged. It’s not the old Jedi order, nor should it be. We, Jaina, are the new Jedi Order, and this is our war.
...continued in What Wedge Said
Edge of Victory: Conquest (of Jaina Solo...not!)
“What would you have us do? “ Luke asked mildly.
“Defend ourselves, Fight evil in whatever guise it takes…And we don’t let the fight come to us…We go out and find the enemy. Offense against evil is defense.”
Kyp goes on to compare the current struggle to the struggle against the Empire. The conversation turns to their shared history of the Darkside. Kyp then is asked by Luke.
“What are you saying, Kyp, that it is easy to return from the Darkside and that justifies the risk?”
“I am saying the line between dark and light isn’t as sharp as you’re trying to make it, or exactly where you want to put it.”
Kyp continues with an analogy of a light saber attack and questions Luke’s philosophies quite skillfully. Luke is patient and stays to his own opinion. However, it is obvious Kyp has many Jedi supporters of his way of thinking.
Finally Kyp presses the point, “ When will you attack, Master Skywalker?”
As the arguments proceed Kyp also shows that he believes in honestly expressing your beliefs. He even gives Jacen credit for being true to himself when he attempted to deny the force. Kyp’s demeanor throughout this meeting is one of anger and fury. He will not back down from his beliefs which he holds to be the only truths. Luke is fearful that these passionate feelings may cause Kyp, and any Jedi to fall to the Darkside.
“If we win the fight against the YV at the price of using Darkside powers it will be no victory.”
Kyp responds by rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. He states it was a mistake to attend the meeting and he had attended with hopes that Luke would be more decisive and willing to lead aggressively. But Luke is utterly convinced that Kyp’s stance is too close to the Darkside, and is it? I don’t think so. I honestly believe it is proactive defense.
He leaves the meeting and is followed out by Jaina and Anakin. Anakin is a huge admirer of Kyp. We see how the boy often takes the same stance of action over contemplation. Even Jaina pretty much believes the Jedi need to look out for their own and to use aggression may be necessary.
Kyp’s character arc bottoms out in the next novel, Edge of Victory : Rebirth. However it is interesting to note that Luke’s character is moving up his arc towards becoming aggressive. An arrest warrant was issued for Luke which caused him to flee Coruscant and go into hiding. He desires to speak with Kyp because now he wants to be more aggressive. As he tells Jaina, …”things are different now”.
This demonstrates Luke’s respect for Kyp and his desire to maintain Kyp as a member of the Jedi order. But why? What is Luke’s motivation? Does Luke want to actually listen to Kyp’s point of view or does he fear Kyp being persuasive enough to split the Order? Kyp has always had followers. He is an influential member and a Master in the Order. It is likely the latter reason, for Luke has placed a tracer on Kyp’s X-Wing and he tells Jaina, “Kyp worries me.”
Jaina heads out to Serpindal and locates Kyp and his group. What Jaina finds is the most uncharacteristically calm Kyp Durron ever. It almost makes you wonder, did he turn to the Darkside? He calmly hears why Jaina has come to find him and is bothered that Skywalker is running from arrest. He doesn’t express himself with any fury. All the while he talks to Jaina she keeps getting a funny feeling in her stomach. You wonder if he is mind influencing her. You never really know either.
Basically Kyp explains how he has been running recon over the past few months and how he believes the Vong have grown a super weapon capable of destroying star systems. He asks Jaina to use her military influence to get Antilles and Darklighter to use the squadrons and join with Kyp’s squadron to destroy the thing. He explains that , “what you saw over Serpindal was confidential, not something for crazy Kyp Durron to know. “ But he did see it because he had done a dangerous recon there using his extremely talented force skills to make hyperspace jumps into the system. Jaina agrees to help him and they find Wedge Antilles.
Kyp first flirts with Jaina in this novel…”Don’t worry, I prefer my friends uncooked. Especially my more attractive ones.”
Because Stackpole doesn't get it
Will someone tell me what it is with Stackpole and Kyp? Stackpole hates Kyp and writes him very differntly than other authors. His characterization was totally different than Salvatore's and set the stage for a lot of Kyp hating in the NJO. Stackpole appears to be like an ex-cop or military guy cause he seems to think Kyp should have been executed. He didn't even create sympathy for him in I, Jedi when he was a 16 year old former spice mining orphan (pre-darkside turn). Anyway the following is snippets of my view of Kyp in the Stackpole books Dark Tide. "As you wish it, my master" (p. 29) WHY is he talking like Vader (What is thy bidding my master?) "If we are to be blamed for anything I'd rather be blamed for being zealous in attacking the problem than timid in waiting for developments." Stackpole let's Luke ponder Kyp's words and fear that Kyp is on the edge ofthe dark side. He then reminds the reader that Kyp is the killer of billions which is ridiculous for he only killed millions (LOL...he's a mass murderer either way).
Early during the war Kyp enters the room, “his black cloak billowing behind him, he raised a gloved hand to gesture toward the auditorium where Jedi had gathered for what Kyp termed a “Council of War“. Kyp has thus been portrayed as pompous and flashy, and irritating to some, namely Corran and Mara. But stop to think for a moment. They didn’t like him when they first met him, however even after fourteen years they still dislike him to the point they joke about how to kill him with the Force. (How very Jedi of them). Why still hold a grudge, but they do. Kyp’s council solves little. He seems at least satisfied to hear the government will not be supporting the Jedi which leaves them able to choose their own course.
Kyp also demonstrates an odd demeanor with Luke. He constantly calls him Master to the point where he states, “I understand and obey, Master” Later he calls him the first among equals.
Kyp appears to have a following among Jedi who are about 5-10 years younger than him. Perhaps, at the time they were at Yavin they saw quite a bit of Kyp. Kyp likely flew in between missions and many stories to share. These teenage students must have felt inspired by his stories of adventure and action. It probably formed how they felt a Jedi should act. We see evidence of this in Wurth Skidder, Ganner, and Dar’sharacor. It is also noted that as many as two-thirds of the Jedi were on his side. Many were willing to act and not discuss. For this is the essence of Kyp Durron: he is a doer, not a thinker.
Characterization: Vector Prime

The following is my interpretation of the character of Kyp Durron. He is not simple, perhaps I understand him, perhaps I don't, but this is my blog and my opinion:
Kyp reappears at age 30 in Vector Prime. He’s a self proclaimed Avenger and fighter of piracy through out the universe (expect any less). He’s taken an apprentice who doesn’t seem to mind him and he has pilots who readily follow him. He irritates the other Jedi, but why? He at least tries to use his powers to help others. He lives his ideal: “what good is being a Jedi if we don’t act”?
As the Yuuzhan Vong war progresses we see the Jedi taking sides between action and contemplation. Kyp is into fighting them to preserve all he holds sacred. Luke is more cautious and both seem to have many supporters.
The problem most have with Kyp is that he doesn’t act like a Jedi should. He acts human. He is never suppose to use his powers for aggression; yet he does. He is proactive and preemptive. After all, he just wants to help people.
Kyp's squadron is decimated by the Yuuzhan Vong and his apprentice, Miko, dies shortly thereafter. Miko is the first Jedi to die at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong. Everyone in the squadron dies except Kyp who is described as doing some particularly cool Force things to live (Force gripped on your X-wing as it spins end over end through space, creating some sort of safety bubble so you can hyperspace jump, fighting those disgusting grutchins).
Kyp is shown as a flashy kind of man who wants people to take notice. He dresses well, he lifts off to music, and he dreams of his squadron becoming famous. Salvatore's characterization set the stage for some serious Kyp hatred as the NJO kept going. Personally, I thought Kyp sounded cool. I tend to think he had it right. The Jedi needed to act and use their powers for good.
Reconciling Kyp
Flash forward, Han shows up and rescues the boy. Kyp must have felt enormous relief only to have that dashed away in Daala’s prison. Facing execution, Kyp also must confront the reality that he is not invincible. There is also anger in himself because he can not access the force yet and save himself. He must feel like a child who can not protect himself. Vulnerable. But Han comes through again and for a few months Kyp only knows a happy life. This had to be emotionally overwhelming. He had not know carefree freedom in 8 years! And here is where Han and Luke dropped the ball! They needed to get Kyp some serious counseling. Just because he could have some fun didn’t mean all his troubles had ended!
So Kyp goes to Yavin and gets Gantoris’ old room! Smart move Master Skywalker! It takes all of one week for Exar Kun to entice Kyp to the dark side. Why does no one treat Kyp like he is a teenager? They seem to know how to treat Jaina like one in NJO. Maybe they had to learn from their mistakes. I would assume that Luke and/or Han were legal guardians for Kyp. I’m making the 18 is legal in the SW universe jump here.
Kyp’s anger leads him to his self-righteous romp to destroy the empire. It isn’t all dark side when you step back to exam it. Okay so declaring yourself “Dark Lord of the Sith”…Darkside. Force lightening Luke…Darkside. Tearing away Qui Xux’s memories…Darkside. BUT! Attacking Daala’s fleet…rebellion…hello! The Empire was not yet done and the Rebellion should have would have put Daala down if they were paying any attention. Well Kyppie did save Coruscant, but who’s counting!
Han saves Kyp AGAIN! (I think we are up to 3 saves so far). Kyp spends a little time in the NR prison in Coruscant before facing a trial which I am sure he thought would lead him to his execution. (he faces that AGAIN)….Luke takes him back to Yavin with all his generosity that Luke is famous for, but forgets to get the boy counseling (AGAIN)….Do these men ever learn?????
Well at least Luke took him back in and helped him as a Jedi. So here we go into fan fiction because this boy would need more than Skywalker could give especially after his injuries in destroying the Suncrusher.
So Kyp gets all better and is made a Jedi Knight. He romps around the galaxy with Dorsk 81 trying to find something useful to do. Finally he comes across Imperials and starts trouble. He’s absolute impetuousness. But he’s a good boy. We see that he’s a tough kid who goes up against just about anything fearlessly, but we also realize that early on Luke let his Jedi find their own missions. We find out later that comes back to haunt Luke as he tries to consolidate everyone to one mind in fighting the Vong. We last see Kyp a little desperate trying to forgive himself and get on with life. He does of course. He’s a natural born survivor.