Saturday, January 04, 2014

Because there is never a shortage of questionable dark tortured souls to fan girl over....

His name is Loki, the god of mischief from the Norse legend.  Except he is a creation of Stan Lee and Marvel comics brought to life in the movie Thor.  He is played by the charismatic Tom Hiddleston and he is delightfully damaged!

I've seen Thor about 4 times, the Avengers and Thor the Dark World twice, yeh it's a problem.

Brothers.  Need I say more.  You know one who errors and the other who forgives, yet they would do anything for each other.  Something like that.  

I find the action figure strangely reminiscent of Kyp Durron.  Just swap out the sword for a lightsaber.

Marvel, knowing that Loki is a virtual comic cash cow, is starting Agent of Asgard in February.  Hope it's drawn well.

The cartoon was fun, but the women were too scantily clothed.  It's something I liked about the movie.  the women were all well dressed and Sif was a warrior.