Hiatus and winter vacation have given me spare time to ponder Supernatural:
Honestly, I’m not figuring things out to well this season. Most of my speculation is based on Season Four since little this year has been revealing or surprising. If TBTB thought the vessel angle would shock then they are seriously pandering to a much dumber crowd then I know us crazy people are. If Lucifer is suppose to be the devil, it would benefit the show to make him more evil. At this point he is no worse than any other angel (except Cas, but we all know he is becoming more human and thus running on a completely different moral compass). Demons have consistently shown themselves to be more nasty than angels...until now. Think hard, really hard, because finding a demon in action in Season Five to even make this comparison is going to take some digging. Episode 1 and 10 we have Meg, and in Episode 6, the “mother” to the anti-Christ child. And they weren’t all that scary. Remember Alastair? He was scary!
So how do you solve a problem like Lucifer? Some part of me thinks it’s not by killing him. Will Sam say yes? I think he will, but I don’t know why. I think episode 5.07 showed a Sam who would “gamble everything for love” and would give his life for Dean. I see that as foreshadowing (otherwise, please tell me what was the point of that episode)? And don’t say: “To show that Sam isn’t just the little bro!” We know, that’s what S3 and S4 proved.
Why are Sam and Dean chosen vessels? There are millions of families on Earth where there are two brothers about 4 years apart, why not them? There sure has to be more to it than that! :)
We all know that Sam was fed demon blood by Azazel and it’s been proven that Azazel was no fallen angel, but a demon (black smoke and all) which means it was demon blood, not angel blood going into the baby’s mouth. Also, Castiel confirmed that Sam had demon blood in episode 4.07 when he greeted Sam by saying, “the boy with the demon blood”. What we do not know for certain is the purpose of the demon blood. Was it the catalyst to Sam’s powers, a gateway to make him an acceptable vessel for Lucifer, or a tracking devise? (Or all of the above).
Okay, so where does that leave Sam now? He has demon blood and powers that he denies. He’s wanted by Lucifer to be the fallen angel’s one true vessel. So far, no angels have smote him, in fact, they seem to approve of him becoming Lucifer due to the fact that they like having prophesy fulfilled. (Gabriel’s words at the end of “Changing Channels”).
Angels like destiny and prophesy. They like having everything follow the cosmic script, but it just seems way too predictable.
Watching Sam and Dean fight in “Levee” brought to mind one parallel truth: Lucifer and Michael were once brothers who loved each other dearly. As I watched Sam hatefully spout at his brother and watched Dean reply with a condemning fury, I thought of those carefree days of Season One when the boys were just hunters out doing what they were raised to do and happily supporting and even indulging each other. Seems like this is just as it once was in Heaven when the top archangels were best buds. There’s a real tragedy in losing that close a relationship, and sometimes it can never be repaired.
So the question is, can Michael and Lucifer rebuild their relationship? Can the Heavenly family be put back together? Is that even what the angels desire, because if we strictly parallel Dean and Sam at the end of S4 then the answer is one sided. In “Levee” Bobby cautions Dean that going after Sam is about getting him back not pushing him away, but Dean fails to get Sam to come with him and resorts to condemning him as a monster. Did God send Michael to get his little brother only to have them lock horns (all puns intended) and not be able to come to an agreement? Sam wanted to repair with Dean, but only after he did exactly what he thought was the best course of action (killing Lillith). Was that Lucifer’s plan, that his brother would side with him over their father? But then Michael did not side with his brother and instead he sent him far far away.
Is it possible that Michael was trapped in human form. Michael trapped in the form of the hairless apes Lucifer would not bow to, and maybe even Michael agreed, but was obedient to his father. Maybe, like Gabriel, Michael likes the world or mortals, or flesh?
So maybe, Michael is among us and he doesn’t even know it? One thing is for certain, hiatus brings out the speculation in all of us!
Here are my selfish desires (some are normal and some are not~you are warned):
· Sam sacrifices himself to save the world, but gets redeemed and brought back to life (b/c I
do selfishly want a season 6).
· Dean never says yes to Michael and proves to be 100% human
· Becky is a demon
· Sam uses the magic hand to destroy Meg
· Bobby is restored to his normal health by Lucifer
· Gabriel aids Sam and Dean
· Michael is as big a jerk as the rest of his family, but comes to see the error of his self-
righteous ways
· The angels learn from the Winchesters and become more like Cas
· Jesse is Sam’s child
· Dean and Cas kiss
· Cas gets to stay on Earth
· We get a shirtless and/or sex scene with Dean involved (need balance w/ Sam)
· We find out why Sam and Dean are actually special
· The angels stop whining and take Lucifer back, but he has to spend time as a human
· Dean gets a chance to wipe that smug smile from Zach’s face
· Patrick the witch returns ( ok, it’s just coz he was hot)!
· Hunters try to hunt and kill Sam (sorry, love Sam in peril)
· Dean is NOT hospitalized!!!!
· Dean gets to eat pie (and all is right with the world)! :D
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Vampire Diaries
Oh, it's a new guilty pleasure and the boys are so pretty!
This show is not the best thing in the world, but it is enjoyable. I'm liking the unfolding story of how the borthers became vampires, turned against each other, and yet can't let go of each other. Damon is so deliciously evil! Just as a vamp should be and Stephan is the predictable vegetarian in love with a human. Let me just say that these actors are so much better than the actors of Twilight!!!!
The characters are likable and multi-layered. I find the worst to be the tug of war between Stephan and Elena and I'm hoping there is resolution soon (I think there will be). The parallels between the folks from the past and now is quite entriguing (especially Bonnie, who is my fav and a witch)!
Although this is written for teens, it is much more savvy than most teen vamp stories and it appears to have potential.

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