There are two brothers, Sam and Dean, and they love each other more than co-dependently possible. In the very first episode, the older brother Dean goes to Stanford University to locate his little brother Sam because their dad is missing. Dad turns out to be illusive anyway, so what was Dean’s real reason for seeking Sam? Dean hates to be alone. Dean needs family to sustain him. Dean and Sam are two halves to a whole.

The Winchester Yin-Yang developed very early in the show. And that’s the crux of it: two brothers, ordinary men who do a very secretive job…they fight supernatural entities, basically protecting you and me. But as the episodes happened, a mytharc was unveiled. There was more.
Sam and Dean were actually chosen to serve a much higher purpose. First, it was revealed that Sam had some special abilities, he had visions of things to come…bad things, and he had so little control over them that the event usually happened after Sam dreamt of it. Eventually we learn from a demon…a very powerful one with Yellow Eyes…the very one that killed the mother of Sam and Dean….we learn that he HAS PLANS FOR SAM! Dun dun dun….

Oh yeh he has plans and in season two things get kicked up a notch since those plans aren’t of the angelic type. And then Sam dies! Dies in Dean’s arms and Dean (who can not be alone…I did remind you that they are very co-dependent) sells his soul to bring Sam back!
Season 3 we have an increasingly toughened and cold Sam making us wonder if the darkside is in his future and a resolute Dean who is facing Hell. Then Dean DIES! So now the brothers are even!

Season 4 comes along, as do the angels, and the idea that Lucifer wants to be free and suddenly this is no longer a simple story about two brothers who hunt evil supernatural entities. Sam’s powers are back and stronger than ever…Dean suffers PTSD and we learn that there is a prophet of the Lord named Chuck who has foreseen this all!

Is this all destiny or free will? The questions get deeper, the brothers get angstier and Lucifer is about ready to walk free. Then there is the finale and Sam and demon blood drinking… and OMG he didn’t ….and Dean is banging on the door to get in because he must save Sam (from himself) then Sam kills Lillith and the seal breaks and Dean gets in but it is TOO LATE BABY and it was all prophesy and is there even a reason to bother with free will and oh noes!
The white light! Lucifer is coming!

And THAT is why you should watch Supernatural.