Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bloody ***in HOT !

I knew when I chose Sam Winchester as one of my bad boys I did not go wrong! In episode 4.16 "Head of a Pin" Sam drinks Ruby's demon blood to help add to his powers. That might have been hot enough, but in the next scene we see visual proof thatthe blood changes him as his eyes go from light to black!

And finally! OMG! Sammy shows us he's gotthe Force..and it's looking more like the hand of Vader everyday, because Sam can not only use TK and compulsion. He not only can exorcise....he can KILL WITH HIS BRAIN!

Yet, despite the fist of Vader (Sam, uh did you watch Star Wars)? I really wonder if Sam's powers are more angelic in nature and are only being corrupted due to outside influences (angels, Ruby and Dean's fear).

After "It's a Terrible Life" I think that Dean denied Sam and I think that will show up later this season. I have a bad feeling Dean will deny Sam and send him away or break them apart.

So I will wildly speculate:

There are 5 episodes left this season. They are titled

4.18 Monster at the End of This Book

4.19 Jump the Shark

4.20 The Rapture

4.21 When the Levee Breaks

4.22 Lucifer Rising

My personal fav title is when the levee breaks...I'm actually listening to it at the moment. I picture a really pissed looking Sam driving (notice he always looks pissed while driving)?

Here's the specualation:

4.18 Either an angel or the trickster made this odd book series happen. And/or Dean learns he's been wrong all along, there is fate and he can't change it. I don't believe the spoiler that Sam would sell off Dean's soul to Lillith. No, but his own, oh yeh. My spoils for this one are making it hard to guess, best wait out Thursday.

4.19 The brother is real and he is tainted by the Supernatural. He can't go back to normal (like Madison the werewold) and the brothers fight over killing him. Sam and Dean part here.

4.20 We see Castiel's life and the havoc Lillith is rendering. I think the boys will be apart.

4.21 It's gonna be ugly. This is the intervention episode. I don't think Bobby and Dean are going to succeed. I can only imagine what other powers Sammy has up his sleeve! Squee!!!!

4.22 Last seal???? Lucifer actually walks? IDK. But I'm leaning towards Sam being carved into the perfect instrument to defeat him, except I don't think it'll happen this season. I can picture Sam getting badly hurt (eventually they need to pander to those who kink hurt!Sam) and fighting Lucifer could be and should be extremely difficult. So Sam's in the hospital and DEan goes back to the room, but there is no Sam. He's disappeared! Where too, and how? for me as a cliffie and you know this cliffie will be HUGE!

So that's my thoughts for now.

I'll leave with an evil!Dean the torturer:

Friday, March 06, 2009

Review of Deathwish by Rob Thurman

You see I believe in serendipidy, that's why I found this book. I was walking past it at Borders and I saw the cover. I stopped, pulled it out...loved the story. Two weeks later I went back a and bought it. Now onto the 4th book:

I’ve come to love the Leandros brothers. They are second in my heart only to Sam and Dean. Why do I love Cal and Niko? They are loyal to each other and those in their circle. They fight the demons without and within. They are fallible, they want to live in peace and will never find it. But they keep on trying.

I love messages of hope, I always have. Though I think it more likely this is about fighting the evil within yourself and staying true to your ideals more than anything.

And wow! In this novel Cal is really coming into his own as a monster. Cal has always identified with being human, but in this fourth book he is beginning to doubt the strength of his humanity. And when he discovers he’s wanted as an Auphe breeding machine he realizes he is truly the last male Auphe. The novel ends with it seeming that the Auphe have disappeared ads a threat, but this remains to be seen in future books.

The tension level is definitely lower. Yes, it’s kinda given that our delightful brothers aren’t going to die any time soon. Still, they go through all levels of angst and suffering. Especially Niko, who we now see as a little more human and a little more vulnerable. Niko realizes he will probably have to concede that little bro can handle himself.

There’s a little romance: Niko and his vampire lover Promise. Cal has a dalliance with weregirl, and Robin, our darling puck gets it on with his peri! Yay for the joy of love! For in this universe love might not last long.

I love the grayness of this series, and really, when your protagonist could be the embodiment of evil but choose s not to be…..that is grey and I like the idea that there are monsters human and inhuman. I really can’t wait for more!