This is truly beautiful!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wow! I don't really know what to make of this!
At live journal someone posted that baby Sam's eyes flashed yellow after Azazel gave him the demon blood. I'd never noticed, but sure enough I watched AHBL I in slow motion (you know, where they are in the nursury flash back) and it HAPPENED !!!!!!!!

Yeh, I'd be crying too Sammy if some nasty demon bled in my mouth and then killed my mommy!
There's another part of this that makes me wonder now:
Sam says: "I have demon blood in me?" And Azazel chuckles at him. Is it possible that Sam's got more than demon blood via drinking it? Was he born that way? Could he be a literal son of Azazel? Sure Azazel said he wouldn't have sex with Mary, but does that mean he wouldn't possess John long enough to make a little mix in the conception of the boy?
After all, he calls them his "psychic kids". And if Azazel is indeed a fallen angel, I'm guessing he has some pretty big powers.
What I do know is that Kripke is the magnificent bastard to have put that flash of yellow in Sam's eyes way back when. So I'm guessing Dean didn't hallucinate in "Yellow Fever" when he saw Sam's eyes flash at the end. But what that all means....I just don't know.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Sam's Betrayal
Sam was betrayed by his own mother ten years beofre his birth. His whole life he has been different, but trying to be normal.
Finding out he has demon blood could be enough to desroy any man, but Sam clings to the hope that by doing good he can somehow turn his curse around.
He believes in angels...he prays. When Sam finally meets Castiel he acts like a fan, and what does he get in return? Castiel will not touch him at first, then when he does he says: "the boy with the demon blood."
Such denial and rejection would hurt anyone, but Sam is particularly afraid of rejection. Can the angels understand him? Or will they send him further down the dark path? Do they care?
Has Sam's faith been broken? Will it be enough if Dean reminds him that he should still have faith.
Sam is being denied grace for something beyond his control. Is this his destiny.....what he will become?

Supernatural Book Report: Season Two
Sometimes the strongest book is the first one, but in this "series", season two stands out for many reasons. The season begins with the aftermath of the Impala being hit by a semi and all three Winchesters injured. The audience quickly learns that Dean is on the edge of dying, trying to fight off a reaper that has come to call at the hospital. Sam tries his best to reach Dean's spirit on the other side, all while angrily arguing with his father whom he thinks is doing nothing to save Dean. This episode begins a season of secrets and deals. John gives his life and the colt to the YED in exchange for Dean being allowed to live.
As the season progresses, Dean is filled with guilt over being allowed to live, loosing his father and holding onto a secret so painful it starts to eat away at him. The two brothers argue over how to grieve and what jobs they should take. They fight off vampires and learn that not everything supernatural is neccessarily evil. They are arrested and Dean is nearly murdered by a corrupt police officer, and then they learn humans can be bigger monsters sometimes.
All along the way they start learning more about the cryptic information the YED gave to them while possessing their father. He called Sam one of his psychic children and said he had plans for him. This is worrisome to both brothers, but for different reasons. Dean expresses his fears in "Simon Said" when forced by another psychic kid to tell the truth, he expresses concern that he doesn't really know what is going on and he hopes Sam doesn't turn into a killer.
Sam is wondering what exactly the plans are and why his power is always realted to another psychic kid or a demon. Croatoan doesn't provide and answer to those questions, but it does show that if Sam were to go evil Dean would kill if neccessary, but he would kill himself also. Croatoan was about a demon virus that turned people evil. Sam was immune, and the audience learns it was all a test. After this crisis the brothers have a heart to heart talk and Dean spills the secret that has been eating at him for months. Before John died, he told Dean if he couldn't save Sam he'd have to kill him.
Sam doesn't take this too well and in the next episode heads off on his own for answers. He meets up with Ava, who has the same power of psychic dreams as he does. They don't learn much about thier powers or how it relates to the demon, but they come under the attack of Gordon, a righteous hunter who considers Sam a threat. Seems that some demons have talked and they have named Sam a potential supernatural threat. Gordon kidnaps Dean to bait Sam. Sam is careful, and is able to rescue Dean. There are a few oppurtunities for Sam to kill Gordon, but he proves himself honorable and gets Gordon arrested.
The brothers are united and fight ghosts and a shapeshifter over the next few episodes. Then Sam disappears. When Dean finds him it appears Sam has turned evil and killed another hunter. Sam begs Dean to kill him, but Dean can not. Even when Dean tracks Sam to Minnesota where Sam has attacked and bound fellow hunter Jo, Dean can not kill his brother. Dean knows why Sam is acting so strange, he douses him with holy water and it burns. Sam is possessed. "Born under a bad sign" was yet another test for Dean in regards to how he would deal with his brothers turn to evil. In the end, Sam is freed, but not without the knowledge of what the darkside might do to him.
Before we reach the end of the season the writers through in two powerful episodes that do tie to the main mytharc and the beliefs of the Winchester brothers. The first was "Heart" in which Sam and Dean investigate a werewolf only to discover it is the woman Sam has a crush on. Sam finally let's down his geek guard and has sex with Madison only to discover the monster in her can never be controlled. She does not have free will, she will always be a killer. Madison begs Sam to be the one to end her life, and he tearfully does this, knowing full well it could be his own destiny.
"What is and Never Should Be" is about Dean's experience in a dream world created by a Djinn. Dean's world consists of happiness he never had. His mother is alive, he has a house, a girlfriend who is a nurse, Sam is in law school, engaged to Jessica. Dean is very happy in his dream, but he comes to realize it is not normal and he must break free. He must leave this world because what he does saves people, and he is needed.
"All Hell Breaks Loose" was the season finale. Since the boys never found the YED, it came for them. Sam mysteriously disappears and wakes to ifnd himself in some sort of ghost town in South Dakota with four other psychic kids his same age. They have been brought there for a demonic celebrity death match. Only one will walk out alive. In the lcimatic end to part one, Sam and the other remaining "kid" Jake fight. Jake is seemingly unconscious, but as Sam walks towards Dean and Bobby we see Jake sneak up behind and stab Sam in the back, killing him.
Part II begins with Dean tearfully talking to Sam's corpse, telling him how he tried to watch out for him. Dean is desparate to have his brother back. He summons a crossroads demon and makes a deal. One yearleft on earth and then he will go to Hell, but Sam gets to live.
The now awakened Sam and Dean travel with Bobby to Wyoming to find the devil's gate and hopefully to stop Jake from opeing it and unleashing demons upon the earth. They locate Jake and in an opportune moment wrathful Sammy loads Jakes' body with a clip of bullets. This begins cold, ruthless Sam which we will see again in season 3 and 4.
The YED is there, advancing on Dean and Sam. Dean has the colt now and is preparred to send his mother's killer away to nothingness. The gate is still opened and demons are flying out at all speeds. One escapee is John Winchester who is able to wrestle with YED long enough that Dean shoots the fatal bullet and gets the revenge he's wanted for a long time. John's spirit disappears in a flash of light and they manage to close the gate.
In the end, Sam knows that he died, and that Dean only has one year left. Sam has come so far from the college student who wanted normal. He's discovered he has a demon inspired power, that he was fed demon blood as a baby and that he is part of the demon's plans. He has been arrested, and he is a fugitive from justice. He has died, and been resurected by his brother's sacrifice. Now he needs answers about his own destiny, and answers over how to save Dean. there is no turning back for Sam Winchester. He puts the past to rest and moves on.
As the season progresses, Dean is filled with guilt over being allowed to live, loosing his father and holding onto a secret so painful it starts to eat away at him. The two brothers argue over how to grieve and what jobs they should take. They fight off vampires and learn that not everything supernatural is neccessarily evil. They are arrested and Dean is nearly murdered by a corrupt police officer, and then they learn humans can be bigger monsters sometimes.
All along the way they start learning more about the cryptic information the YED gave to them while possessing their father. He called Sam one of his psychic children and said he had plans for him. This is worrisome to both brothers, but for different reasons. Dean expresses his fears in "Simon Said" when forced by another psychic kid to tell the truth, he expresses concern that he doesn't really know what is going on and he hopes Sam doesn't turn into a killer.
Sam is wondering what exactly the plans are and why his power is always realted to another psychic kid or a demon. Croatoan doesn't provide and answer to those questions, but it does show that if Sam were to go evil Dean would kill if neccessary, but he would kill himself also. Croatoan was about a demon virus that turned people evil. Sam was immune, and the audience learns it was all a test. After this crisis the brothers have a heart to heart talk and Dean spills the secret that has been eating at him for months. Before John died, he told Dean if he couldn't save Sam he'd have to kill him.
Sam doesn't take this too well and in the next episode heads off on his own for answers. He meets up with Ava, who has the same power of psychic dreams as he does. They don't learn much about thier powers or how it relates to the demon, but they come under the attack of Gordon, a righteous hunter who considers Sam a threat. Seems that some demons have talked and they have named Sam a potential supernatural threat. Gordon kidnaps Dean to bait Sam. Sam is careful, and is able to rescue Dean. There are a few oppurtunities for Sam to kill Gordon, but he proves himself honorable and gets Gordon arrested.
The brothers are united and fight ghosts and a shapeshifter over the next few episodes. Then Sam disappears. When Dean finds him it appears Sam has turned evil and killed another hunter. Sam begs Dean to kill him, but Dean can not. Even when Dean tracks Sam to Minnesota where Sam has attacked and bound fellow hunter Jo, Dean can not kill his brother. Dean knows why Sam is acting so strange, he douses him with holy water and it burns. Sam is possessed. "Born under a bad sign" was yet another test for Dean in regards to how he would deal with his brothers turn to evil. In the end, Sam is freed, but not without the knowledge of what the darkside might do to him.
Before we reach the end of the season the writers through in two powerful episodes that do tie to the main mytharc and the beliefs of the Winchester brothers. The first was "Heart" in which Sam and Dean investigate a werewolf only to discover it is the woman Sam has a crush on. Sam finally let's down his geek guard and has sex with Madison only to discover the monster in her can never be controlled. She does not have free will, she will always be a killer. Madison begs Sam to be the one to end her life, and he tearfully does this, knowing full well it could be his own destiny.
"What is and Never Should Be" is about Dean's experience in a dream world created by a Djinn. Dean's world consists of happiness he never had. His mother is alive, he has a house, a girlfriend who is a nurse, Sam is in law school, engaged to Jessica. Dean is very happy in his dream, but he comes to realize it is not normal and he must break free. He must leave this world because what he does saves people, and he is needed.
"All Hell Breaks Loose" was the season finale. Since the boys never found the YED, it came for them. Sam mysteriously disappears and wakes to ifnd himself in some sort of ghost town in South Dakota with four other psychic kids his same age. They have been brought there for a demonic celebrity death match. Only one will walk out alive. In the lcimatic end to part one, Sam and the other remaining "kid" Jake fight. Jake is seemingly unconscious, but as Sam walks towards Dean and Bobby we see Jake sneak up behind and stab Sam in the back, killing him.
Part II begins with Dean tearfully talking to Sam's corpse, telling him how he tried to watch out for him. Dean is desparate to have his brother back. He summons a crossroads demon and makes a deal. One yearleft on earth and then he will go to Hell, but Sam gets to live.
The now awakened Sam and Dean travel with Bobby to Wyoming to find the devil's gate and hopefully to stop Jake from opeing it and unleashing demons upon the earth. They locate Jake and in an opportune moment wrathful Sammy loads Jakes' body with a clip of bullets. This begins cold, ruthless Sam which we will see again in season 3 and 4.
The YED is there, advancing on Dean and Sam. Dean has the colt now and is preparred to send his mother's killer away to nothingness. The gate is still opened and demons are flying out at all speeds. One escapee is John Winchester who is able to wrestle with YED long enough that Dean shoots the fatal bullet and gets the revenge he's wanted for a long time. John's spirit disappears in a flash of light and they manage to close the gate.
In the end, Sam knows that he died, and that Dean only has one year left. Sam has come so far from the college student who wanted normal. He's discovered he has a demon inspired power, that he was fed demon blood as a baby and that he is part of the demon's plans. He has been arrested, and he is a fugitive from justice. He has died, and been resurected by his brother's sacrifice. Now he needs answers about his own destiny, and answers over how to save Dean. there is no turning back for Sam Winchester. He puts the past to rest and moves on.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Supernatural Book Report
If I were to write a book report on Supernatural I would treat each season as its own book.
In season one, we meet Sam Winchester, a young, handsome, academically gifted college student at Stanford. On Halloween, his older brother shows up and gives him the news that their father is missing. This worries Sam, despite his long estrangment from his family and the world they inhabit. It's a secret world he has never shared with his girlfriend Jessica. For Sam Winchester and his family are all hunters. They hunt the supernatural: witches, ghosts, demons, etc.... and Sam wants nothing to do with that life, he just wants to be normal. Sam is worried about his father and agrees to accompany Dean to Jerihco, CA to look for him. There they investigate a woman in white apparition and put her to rest. They do not find Dad and on Sam's insistance they return to Stanford because Sam has an interview for law school on that Monday.
Sam says his goodbys and returns to the apartment and his normal life. As he settles down on the bed, his face is serene, he has reconciled with Dean, fought off a ghost, and returned in time to see his swetheart. Something wet hits his face...and in an instant Sam Winchester is transformed from normal guy into vengeful hunter. Jessica is dead, burned in the same senseless killing that took his mother 22 years before. Sam knows now, he can't return to normal, can't go to the interview...for now, he needs to find Jessica's killer. He needs his revenge!
The season continues with Sam and Dean fighting a variety of evil from vengeful spirits, demons on airplanes, wendigos, and even bugs. In between we learn, along with the brothers, all about these legends. We learn who the boys are and how they relate to each other.
Sam longs to return to his life at Stanford, but not until he finds his father, for in finding his father he might find what killed Jessica and his mother. By the eighth show we realize John Winchester will not be easy to find. But by then there is a new complication. Sam has psychic dreams, and sometimes they come true. He dreams of their home in Lawrence, Kansas and of the peril the current owner might experience. So the brothers travel there and learn about their past while helping the woman who now inhabits their old home.In the end, Mary Winchester's spirit appears to her sons and extinguishes the poltergeist that has attacked the home and Sam.
And Mary says, "I'm sorry." to her son Sam. We will ponder the meaning of this until season four.
Next up is "Scarecrow." Sam wants to head to California to meet his father and Dean wants to hunt. Sam leaves and during his journey meets up with Meg who encourages his independence. Eventually, Sam learnes Dean is in peril and returns to save him from a pagan god. The two relieze they need each other. This becomes increasingly apparent in the next episode, "Faith" when Dean is electrocuted and fated to die. Sam will do anything to save him, including taking him to a faith healer who miraculously repairs Dean's heart at the cost of another's life. Here, the viewerr learns that Sam will do anything to save his brother and that God has a purpose for Dean.
The rest of the season helps the viewer understand the dynamics and complexity of the relationships between the Winchester men. By the conclusion of "Salvation" and "Devil's Trap" we know how the brothers relte and we know what these hunters must do.
The end with the Impala being crashed into was the most surprising and graphic endings/cliffhangers ever. Was it all for nought? Did finding Dad really yield the YED?
What comes next? Who is the YED? What does he plan on for Sam and the other psychic children? Will he destroy the Winchesters?
These were the unresolved questions of Season 2.
In season one, we meet Sam Winchester, a young, handsome, academically gifted college student at Stanford. On Halloween, his older brother shows up and gives him the news that their father is missing. This worries Sam, despite his long estrangment from his family and the world they inhabit. It's a secret world he has never shared with his girlfriend Jessica. For Sam Winchester and his family are all hunters. They hunt the supernatural: witches, ghosts, demons, etc.... and Sam wants nothing to do with that life, he just wants to be normal. Sam is worried about his father and agrees to accompany Dean to Jerihco, CA to look for him. There they investigate a woman in white apparition and put her to rest. They do not find Dad and on Sam's insistance they return to Stanford because Sam has an interview for law school on that Monday.
Sam says his goodbys and returns to the apartment and his normal life. As he settles down on the bed, his face is serene, he has reconciled with Dean, fought off a ghost, and returned in time to see his swetheart. Something wet hits his face...and in an instant Sam Winchester is transformed from normal guy into vengeful hunter. Jessica is dead, burned in the same senseless killing that took his mother 22 years before. Sam knows now, he can't return to normal, can't go to the interview...for now, he needs to find Jessica's killer. He needs his revenge!
The season continues with Sam and Dean fighting a variety of evil from vengeful spirits, demons on airplanes, wendigos, and even bugs. In between we learn, along with the brothers, all about these legends. We learn who the boys are and how they relate to each other.
Sam longs to return to his life at Stanford, but not until he finds his father, for in finding his father he might find what killed Jessica and his mother. By the eighth show we realize John Winchester will not be easy to find. But by then there is a new complication. Sam has psychic dreams, and sometimes they come true. He dreams of their home in Lawrence, Kansas and of the peril the current owner might experience. So the brothers travel there and learn about their past while helping the woman who now inhabits their old home.In the end, Mary Winchester's spirit appears to her sons and extinguishes the poltergeist that has attacked the home and Sam.
And Mary says, "I'm sorry." to her son Sam. We will ponder the meaning of this until season four.
Next up is "Scarecrow." Sam wants to head to California to meet his father and Dean wants to hunt. Sam leaves and during his journey meets up with Meg who encourages his independence. Eventually, Sam learnes Dean is in peril and returns to save him from a pagan god. The two relieze they need each other. This becomes increasingly apparent in the next episode, "Faith" when Dean is electrocuted and fated to die. Sam will do anything to save him, including taking him to a faith healer who miraculously repairs Dean's heart at the cost of another's life. Here, the viewerr learns that Sam will do anything to save his brother and that God has a purpose for Dean.
The rest of the season helps the viewer understand the dynamics and complexity of the relationships between the Winchester men. By the conclusion of "Salvation" and "Devil's Trap" we know how the brothers relte and we know what these hunters must do.
The end with the Impala being crashed into was the most surprising and graphic endings/cliffhangers ever. Was it all for nought? Did finding Dad really yield the YED?
What comes next? Who is the YED? What does he plan on for Sam and the other psychic children? Will he destroy the Winchesters?
These were the unresolved questions of Season 2.
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