Ok, so now I have read 3 of the LOTF books. If I had to summarize the plot thus far and tell you the theme...could I? Typically this comes easily to me, but for some reason I can't. Maybe it's because when I get these books I read them in a race. Last night I read Tempest from 5 PM to 12:20 AM and was done. Perhaps I am simply going so fast I am not giving myself time to process the material. Maybe I need to calm down and try a new technique (yeah right, Exile is next and Kyp is in it so you know I'm gonna spas! At least this time I was perfectly calm about Kyp's non-involvement, honestly it would not have made sense in the story line. So here is my attempt at summary.
This is the external conflict and plot:
The story begins with Corellia's dissatisfaction with the GA. The tension rises and negotiation fails. There is an assassination of the Corellian leader and misunderstanding regarding who attacked. It ends with battle between Corellia and the GA and a GA blockade. By the second novel Corellia has officiallly declared independence. This is the beginning of the Civil War. The GAG is formed with Jacen Solo as its commander. Protest becomes terrorism and civil rights are weakened as laws become oppressive. After two months things have not improved, in fact more worlds are likely to defect and join Corellia. Corellia makes a calculated attempt to draw Hapes to their side. This requires the execution of Tenel Ka since she is GA loyal. The murder is foiled however her usupers rally a small fleet and a battle is fought over Hapes in which the GA wins and Jacen is seen as a hero.
Now for the Internal Conflict and Plot:
This is harder because it is dependent on whose point of view is being presented. Obviously we have a Force powerful thinker named Jacen who is willing to learn more about his destiny. He embraces the Sith teachings willingly asa way to bring peace to his galaxy. He is a narcissitic man who thinks he can use his great power to save everyone, however in his manipulations and the manipulations of the bitter Sith Lumiya war is perpetuated. Jacen knows how to work people and in a short amount of time is given a very special position as head of the GAG (read Gestapo). In this position he rises to power and popularity within the fear fed culture of Coruscant. After two months he is the hero, given his own SSD and he takes the initiative to go to Hapes to protect GA interests there (do you really think it matters to him about Tenel Ka? I don't). Despite his ever questionable behavior he is popular as ever and the push is on from the top to make him a Jedi Master.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Things Poised to Happen
Lumiya hints there are other Sith.
The whole Korriban thing
Jaina is free of Zekk and Kyp, yet both respect her and are friendly, the relationships are still in tact.
Potential Imperial Knights, potential alliances to fight Jacen, potential loved ones to die and change the character
Jacen has his own SSD. That took only three books, wow!
Battle meld ala Palpatine
Luke isn’t falling for Jacen’s charms
“Jedi vs. Sith” round whatever….
Jacen nearly looses an eye to Aurra Sing
Couldn’t help but think of Krayt’s fake eye
Ben wears Yuuzhan Vong inspired armor
Couldn’t help but think of Krayt’s armor and that worried me…what if Ben becomes Krayt? That’s one Sith turn that would make me mad and sad.
What to Make of the Exile Excerpt on Kyp
Allston took time to develop these pages and his thoughts, why? These novels are brief and concise compared to the NJO, there are few pages lost to random thoughts. So why let us know the following about Kyp:
-He’s contemplative as he thinks of the war and his first thoughts are on the homecoming relief of the soldiers. Allston touches on his empathic side, which is not usually explored. We are in Kyp’s thoughts and that rarely happens.
-He seems enormously peaceful and calm (until he drives a sports car like speeder of course)
-He still is enormously powerful in the Force and frivolously rocks the Jade Shadow with telekinesis.
-He is investigating Ben
-He is privy to the info that Omas and Niathal want Jacen made master, and he doesn’t seem to like that idea anymore. You get the feeling he’s been thinking about Jacen a lot more lately.
-He has a girlfriend!!!!!! And it is not Jaina!!! He realizes what he really thought about her 12 years before and Allston attempts to show Kyp as much more mature now.
Will Kyppie make the DP of Exile? I hope so!!!!
Side note: Allstons' physical description of Kyp was amusing. He was wearing the hood up on his Jedi cloak and when it blew off in the breeze of his open speeder his hair was very long and nearly smacked Luke in the face. It is also described as having grey in it. Is Kyp the new Qui gon? I mean that was what I got out of DN when I had no background on Kyp. Kyp the hippie free spirit.
-He’s contemplative as he thinks of the war and his first thoughts are on the homecoming relief of the soldiers. Allston touches on his empathic side, which is not usually explored. We are in Kyp’s thoughts and that rarely happens.
-He seems enormously peaceful and calm (until he drives a sports car like speeder of course)
-He still is enormously powerful in the Force and frivolously rocks the Jade Shadow with telekinesis.
-He is investigating Ben
-He is privy to the info that Omas and Niathal want Jacen made master, and he doesn’t seem to like that idea anymore. You get the feeling he’s been thinking about Jacen a lot more lately.
-He has a girlfriend!!!!!! And it is not Jaina!!! He realizes what he really thought about her 12 years before and Allston attempts to show Kyp as much more mature now.
Will Kyppie make the DP of Exile? I hope so!!!!
Side note: Allstons' physical description of Kyp was amusing. He was wearing the hood up on his Jedi cloak and when it blew off in the breeze of his open speeder his hair was very long and nearly smacked Luke in the face. It is also described as having grey in it. Is Kyp the new Qui gon? I mean that was what I got out of DN when I had no background on Kyp. Kyp the hippie free spirit.
I was a Teenage Sith Apprentice
Thoughts on Ben in light of Tempest and the new exile Excerpt.
OK, Ben is not dark (yet) but he is being taught the kind of sneaky skills associated with the Sith. He comments, what did other Master’s teach?
And Ben most definitely considers Jacen his Master, and he most definitely considers him the strongest Force user. At this point Jacen has the power over Ben because he has twisted Ben’s thoughts and point of view to believe in absolutes. He has developed in him a code of discipline that causes Ben to see his cousin Jaina as a lesser Jedi because she is “undisciplined” (ie. She thinks for herself). He is simply to young to get the big picture.
It wasn’t surprising when the boy tried to arrest Han. He was just doing his job. His duty is to follow orders. He is definitely not Jedi trained to follow his conscience (though he would likely believe he was following it while following orders).
So that leaves the kid in need of a master. Now Allston’s excerpt shows Kyp’s involvement with the Family. Kyp will investigate Ben’s light saber accident. What if it is decided Ben needs proper training and he works with Kyp? After all, Kyp was also a teenage Sith apprentice and I believe those two are the only two. So idealistically there is an understanding. But you know it is too late for Ben. He is loyal to Jacen and his thoughts are so firm it will take years to open his mind.
Jacen’s done a good job with his protégé.
Thoughts on Ben after reading Exile:
Ben has just turned 14 while on a set up mission to test his ethics and his strength. Ben travels to find an Amulet [sounds so hokey i had to read it twice] and he basically follows the hero's quest route. He is on Ziost, a former Sith planet that reaks of the darkside. He gets his Amulet and has to help a 6 year old girl, but in between his ship is destroyed and they are without food. His thoughts are brutal and dark (he'd leave the girl, later he thinks about eating her, and finally he downs a tie fighter with a boulder thrown by the Force). Lumiya ordered him killed by this tie-fighter because he saved the little girl and she thought he'd be too kind to be a Sith. so we see Ben thinking and weighing his choices. He constantly thinks how would my mom do this? (his enoamored by her "spy" stuff) and he thinks what would Jacen think of my thoughts and actions? And basically every time he comes to the conclusion that Jacen would think his actions were qacceptable given the circumstances. (justification)
In the end Ben flies a Sith Meditation sphere which had called to him in his thoughts and which you operate through a Force connection.
I thnk Ben will continue to fall to the dark through his absolute belief in Jacen and his ability to do what needs to be done. But I think he may not fall completely unless something presses him over the edge.
OK, Ben is not dark (yet) but he is being taught the kind of sneaky skills associated with the Sith. He comments, what did other Master’s teach?
And Ben most definitely considers Jacen his Master, and he most definitely considers him the strongest Force user. At this point Jacen has the power over Ben because he has twisted Ben’s thoughts and point of view to believe in absolutes. He has developed in him a code of discipline that causes Ben to see his cousin Jaina as a lesser Jedi because she is “undisciplined” (ie. She thinks for herself). He is simply to young to get the big picture.
It wasn’t surprising when the boy tried to arrest Han. He was just doing his job. His duty is to follow orders. He is definitely not Jedi trained to follow his conscience (though he would likely believe he was following it while following orders).
So that leaves the kid in need of a master. Now Allston’s excerpt shows Kyp’s involvement with the Family. Kyp will investigate Ben’s light saber accident. What if it is decided Ben needs proper training and he works with Kyp? After all, Kyp was also a teenage Sith apprentice and I believe those two are the only two. So idealistically there is an understanding. But you know it is too late for Ben. He is loyal to Jacen and his thoughts are so firm it will take years to open his mind.
Jacen’s done a good job with his protégé.
Thoughts on Ben after reading Exile:
Ben has just turned 14 while on a set up mission to test his ethics and his strength. Ben travels to find an Amulet [sounds so hokey i had to read it twice] and he basically follows the hero's quest route. He is on Ziost, a former Sith planet that reaks of the darkside. He gets his Amulet and has to help a 6 year old girl, but in between his ship is destroyed and they are without food. His thoughts are brutal and dark (he'd leave the girl, later he thinks about eating her, and finally he downs a tie fighter with a boulder thrown by the Force). Lumiya ordered him killed by this tie-fighter because he saved the little girl and she thought he'd be too kind to be a Sith. so we see Ben thinking and weighing his choices. He constantly thinks how would my mom do this? (his enoamored by her "spy" stuff) and he thinks what would Jacen think of my thoughts and actions? And basically every time he comes to the conclusion that Jacen would think his actions were qacceptable given the circumstances. (justification)
In the end Ben flies a Sith Meditation sphere which had called to him in his thoughts and which you operate through a Force connection.
I thnk Ben will continue to fall to the dark through his absolute belief in Jacen and his ability to do what needs to be done. But I think he may not fall completely unless something presses him over the edge.
Review of Tempest

Hapan Trechery, secret trysts, betrayal, Vader moments, and cold realizations, it’s all here in Tempest. We have the core characters and some useful peripheral ones too. Denning allows multiple characters screen time and gives everyone but Mara Jade a backbone and personality. Yes, you read that right, Luke has spunk and he does not waver!!!!!! The Force is used in satisfying ways and the author let’s you into the characters’ thoughts.
I have to say once again I wasn’t disappointed. Denning was able to convey enough setting to me that I pictured the whole thing and he kept building the kinetic energy all the way to the end just as in SBS. He danced us through multiple characters too, which was a favorite part of the NJO. As many characters as NJO? NO! But still, it wasn’t the “BIG 4” show.
Jaina had some real screen time and I liked it. Zekk had a personality and got to live (to fight another day). And my favorite screaming with excitement moment: JAG FEL !!!!!!! He’s back and he’s bitter!!!! YES! He should be bitter, he was practically left for dead and marooned on Tenupe for 2 years. Then he gets exiled from the Chiss Ascendency and let’s face it, the military was everything to him. Oh the joy, please Jag, please become the first Emperor! It would be too cool. At least we know he is free and doing his own thing. I just hope he has a hidden agenda and is already secretly working for the Empire. Palleon left the GA and we haven’t heard from him, so we can hope they are concocting their plan. (Well we know the Empire arises in a few years).
Let’s just get the bad out of the way:
Allana would not have a speech impediment befitting a preschooler in need of special services! She’s a Force user and probably has the potential to be a really powerful one! For Kriffin’ sake Denning, what were you thinking. She’s going to seem precocious and she should! I don’t want my future Sith Queen to be an idiot!!!!!
I guess humans don’t really get their relationship poodoo together until they are in their 40’s. The only flirting and innuendo going on was Han/Leia and Luke/Mara. Tenel Ka and Jacen didn’t even have clearly hidden passion, droids feel more. Jaina at least has fantasies of Jag, but she thinks maybe she doesn’t want to be with anyone! OK, I’d like a little more romance in these novels, after all, if they are like a soap (and let’s face it they are) they need some sordid affairs.
So Denning has set up some things to carry on, namely is Lumiya dead? I hope so, it’s time for Jacen to step up to Sith Lord, and she was getting very annoying. She told Alema he was ready. “Jacen has the knowledge to complete his journey.” She also stated to Alema. “Sly, ruthless, and deadly, I couldn’t be more proud.” Hopefully Luke did blast her to death!!! Their fight by the way was exciting and not easy for either of them, and though Luke was in uber mode (which I think strains the edges of darkness) he never used the dark side or appeared tempted to.
What else is left hanging? Ben’s future. Luke forces him back with him to Coruscant, but what will happen next? Ben is not happy about this and he doesn’t respect his parents. It’s highly unlikely he’ll be coming around to the light any time soon.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Kyp at 16
Remember "James at 15"? I never got it maybe cause I was like 7 at the time. Kyp arrived in Coruscant aboard the Suncrusher; as he dismounted the space ship he exclaimed "now that's a city!" He was at times described as a boy, teen, young man, and by Han: a kid. He had lived in Kessel so long he had nearly abandoned hope until Han and Chewbacca, and then he had hope, it quickly returned, lots of it and he wasn't going to give it away. After facing death and helplessness at the Maw he discovered something new, he could abandon fear also. Abandon it completely? No, but he seems able to put it off for needed times (such as escaping the Maw and flying past black holes). He also shows limited fear when he meets Exar Kun. (okay so some of it is pure teenage intrepidness).
How is Kyp with Han? He instantly seems to trust him and follow his lead. He is described: "had clung to Han..." They seem to think of each other as friends, but with a 25 year span I'm sure Han had some paternal feelings for him. I'm sure Han must have invited him to stay at his home for the month Kyp is described as being on Coruscant. Heck even Wedge says the kid deserves some vacation after all he'd been through (not that Wedge would be wanting to champioin him for long!).
So Kyp tries to be fearless, yet is nervous Luke won't accept him. It's obvious being a Jedi became very important to him once he realized what he could do with his powers. He is very curious and likes learning (which we all know get's him into trouble).
So what would Kyp's brief time on Coruscant been like? Hmmmm do I hear fanfiction?
How is Kyp with Han? He instantly seems to trust him and follow his lead. He is described: "had clung to Han..." They seem to think of each other as friends, but with a 25 year span I'm sure Han had some paternal feelings for him. I'm sure Han must have invited him to stay at his home for the month Kyp is described as being on Coruscant. Heck even Wedge says the kid deserves some vacation after all he'd been through (not that Wedge would be wanting to champioin him for long!).
So Kyp tries to be fearless, yet is nervous Luke won't accept him. It's obvious being a Jedi became very important to him once he realized what he could do with his powers. He is very curious and likes learning (which we all know get's him into trouble).
So what would Kyp's brief time on Coruscant been like? Hmmmm do I hear fanfiction?
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