Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Darkside is Addiction

IMHO the Darkside can be compared to drug addiction. It is easy, and seductive and seems so good at the time, but then it slowly destroys you. Something that seems so good ends up producing bad consequences.

So thinking about the SW characters who have gone to the darkside I have created a real world analogy to their level of drug addiction.

Sideous is like Keith Richards. He's used all the drugs and it's made him look really bad, but it has never killed him.

Vader is like Kurt Cobain. He is a tragic man whose circumstances led him to use. As he used he fell in it more and more deeply. He has redeeming qualities, but it was too late in the end.

Luke is the classic dabbler. Not really an addict, just tried things so he'd gain a better understanding. Now he knows the dangers and will usually avoid it especially when he is feeling overly critical of himself. He's the kind of guy who quit the really bad drugs, but still drinks socially and smokes pot on occasion.

Mara used drugs (ie. the darkside) because she hung with the wrong crowd. Now that she's with Luke she follows his philosophy. She was never an addict, just abused it, and now she's over it.

Kyp is the teenaged drunk driver who killed the bus load of school children or derailed a train...massive injuries to many people...oh the guilt!

Zekk is my favorite because he's like the teen who used drugs and quit, but now 20 years later he still goes to NA and says, "Hi, I'm Zekk and I went to the darkside." He's the guy who will NEVER use anything ever again.

Jaina hit the bottle hard during a crisis, but she never really had a serious problem. She's over it now.

Jacen, well Jacen is quite simple: HE'S IN DENIAL !!!

Friday, April 28, 2006

The Secret Truth of How I lost Weight

No one knows this, not even my secret diary.

I lost 40 pounds because of Star Wars. So I told you ROTS sort of freaked me out and gave me anxiety. I started watching a lot of movies and then I started to think about actresses, yes even Natalie Portman of course, and I thought, I want to be thin like an actress. So jumping on the lack of appetite that comes with anxiety I began to eat a lot less. I really just changed my mindset and ate less and liked food less and found things dispicable to eat etc..and lost weight.

Now, by Hollywood standards I am fat. I still need to loose 10-15 pounds, but I am a size 6 or 8 and I look pretty good. I still don't eat alot. I usually don't eat dinner. I think it is best to have the big meal in the middle of the day. I exercise some but not enough. I need to lift weights and build muscle, well maybe some other movie will lead me to that! LOL.

So that is how I lost weight folks! The secret is finally revealed.

My obsession

Okay, so here is the reason why I blog. I want to have a place to write about my obsession. The fan fictional "sensation" Kyp Durron. No I mean HE is not the obsession, but the themes and concepts he generates is something I enjoy.

I'm trying to think how it began. First there was ROTS. I saw it last July and just about freaked. I just loved it! I was like irrationally nervous afterwards and actually had an anxiety attack. Maybe I'll write more about this in another post, I'm just attempting background here. then I finally ventured to where I started to toy with the I read Traitor. Which I loved (yet another different post opp.). So Traitor led me to the DNT.... Then back to other NJO books. Finally I am reading all about Kyp this...Kyp that...and I'm like "he went darkside?" I love anything and anyone darkside of course. So then I discovered JAT. Just about wet myself on that. I mean like one whole weekend eating those books. (and god they are so poorly written, but they are Kyp's story). Then back to NJO where I then started reading for Kyp. Around February I timidly ventured into reading fanfiction. I had no idea how alive Master Durron is in the fanfic world. Hell, what we can't have in profic we will claim for ourselves.

Anyway, that's where it is at. Well until I started writing Kyp. Now you have to understand I have never written. I wrote a 3 page kid story and a 10 page thing based on a dream. That's it! My mind of course is constantly in motion and creating stories. So now I have almost 150 pages of Kyp and his imaginary world. (which you can't see because I said so!!!!).

So that's my story of obsession. I am so not looking forward to the next set of books LOTF if they kill Kyp or relegate him to nothingness. He's a much larger character than that, but profic is out in space!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Current Mood: Sleepy

I am finally longing for sleep. I have not been able to sleep for more than 5 or 6 hours in months. At 10:30 now, I am thinking: bed. I am feeling relieved. Had a guy look at my roof, well sort of. At leas I initiatd that. More later...too tired.


I have kept journals for 1,000 years, but never a public one. This, my first blog, is part of the new things I want to explore. A part of me doesn't mind if someone reads what I think, as long as they don't know who I am. So here it all begins.......