Oh crap!
I didn't see it coming.
Spoilers follow.....
Thanos won and "killed" half the universe. People just faded to ash. It was horrible. What was most horrible is that there was no warning and the first to fade was Bucky. Right there in front of Steve. His last words were: "Steve?"
Steve's last words as he sits on the ground in Wakanda defeated and devastated were, "oh god".
In the meantime, prior to all of this, Bucky had been living in Wakanda. He seemed to have a farm in the countryside. According to the director of Black Panther he was sent to the country for spiritual healing after Shuri got the trigger words from his brain. He looked so at peace. But given the ending it wouldn't have mattered where he was or what he was doing, even if he had still been in cryo he would have simply disappeared.
So I have to ask, where did he and the others go? T'Challa, Sam, Wanda, Dr. Strange, Peter Quill, Drax, Mantis, Groot and Peter Parker all turned to ash.
There is no way some of them are not returning. Black Panther grossed over 1 billion dollars.
So where are they?
Monday, April 30, 2018
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Captain America Civil War
Here is the incredibly Bucky-centric and scattered review of Captain America: Civil War:
I saw it in the theatre 5 times. It was long, 2.5 hours. It was pretty good, not as good as the Winter Soldier, but good. Bucky had a decent role, but in the end he was not exonerated.
In a movie universe where characters with troubled pasts are forgiven somewhat easily, Bucky is still seen as questionable. Even in the view of some casual viewers he is seen as a villian. I don't quite understand.
T'Challa, the Black Panther, is introduced in this movie. If I didn't already love Bucky so much, Black Panther would be my favorite. He spends most of the movie trying to kill Bucky because he is convinced Bucky killed his father. However, in the end he proves to be an honorable king and he shelters Bucky (and presumably the rest of Team Cap).
I saw it in the theatre 5 times. It was long, 2.5 hours. It was pretty good, not as good as the Winter Soldier, but good. Bucky had a decent role, but in the end he was not exonerated.
In a movie universe where characters with troubled pasts are forgiven somewhat easily, Bucky is still seen as questionable. Even in the view of some casual viewers he is seen as a villian. I don't quite understand.
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Why won't people just leave me alone? |
- Natasha was an assassin. Presumably, she has killed many people before switching sides
- Clint had a shady past that the movies haven't really explored, but we did watch Loki brainwash him and force him to kill SHEILD agents and cause general trouble.
- Bruce kills people and hurts them as he smashes his way around in his Hulk rages. There is no way to dispute this.
- Tony created Ultron. Ultron would not have come into being if Tony had left things alone. Ultron was a sentient robot who killed many thousands of people and did damage to the nation of Sokovia.
- Wanda used her magics to help Hydra. She gave Tony the desparate vision that led to him creating Ultron which ultimately led to her own nation being destroyed and her brother dead.
- Fury is just a shady MF, but we already knew that! ;)
This stylized picture is not a realistic depiction of the story. The Cap team bands together to help Bucky and Steve stop Zemo from releasing 5 bad super-soldiers from stasis in Siberia. Except that never gets to happen because Zemo is just looking to get the heroes together for a battle royale. The whole team never makes it to Siberia either. Bucky only has a gun as shown below. He is using one of Natasha's weapons because he thinks he is about to face five loyal Hydra super soldiers with only Steve as back up. Of course he is wrong.
Seeing Steve and Bucky working together again was one of the best parts of the movie. I had wished there was more conversation between them. There is a cute line about them both being 100, but so little of the movie is their one to one talk about the past and how they can reconcile. Fortunately, their relationship is shown to be unified and Steve most definitely knows Bucky has his back.

In the end, Bucky wants to return to Cryo. He feels it is too risky to the world for him to be awake because there are trigger words that might set him off in a brainwashed rage. How many other characters are that willing to be stopped? Maybe only Steve would be that noble, but there it is, the nobility of both Steve and Bucky.
It should be noted that after the fight in Siberia. Steve drops the shield and is no longer Captain America. He breaks his friends out of the underwater Raft prison illegally (all while looking rather naughty about it).
I'm intrigued to see what happens next. Black Panther, the movie, starts filming in early 2017.
Sunday, January 03, 2016
Star Wars the Force Awakens thoughts, fan girling, and duh....spoilers!
There will be spoilers below:

I've already seen the movie twice and I think that if you happen upon this blog then you have probably also done so.

I was thoroughly pleased and relieved after seeing the movie the first time. As a huge fan of the EU I already had a large world view of this special fantasy universe. I didn't need George Lucas to ruin it for me by declaring my favorite stories and charactersnull and void "legends". But I was able to make peace with the new characters and story and the older ones.
It's easy to see Rey and think "Jaina" and to see Kylo Ren and think "Jacen". Rey is so incredibly gifted, noble and courageous. She saves herself everytime and manages to not get injured at all (try that Katniss...oh queen of the medbay). Look at her shot! DEad center, he just deflects with his saber! It's her first time with a blaster!
I've never been so happy with a female character since Peggy Carter. In fact, I've always identified with the male characters, not this time, not at all! It was Rey I wanted to be! She is a super skilled pilot (she flies the Falcon and all I could think of was when Jaina stole the Vong ship and Han know it was her due to her skills). She has a Force vision. She uses the Force to block Kylo from her thoughts and she presses into his head, then she mind whammies a stormtrooper into letting her go! It's quite beautiful. And then she of course TK's the light saber and fights Kylo.....
It made me cry just a little to know that a strong female was written!!!!!
And Kylo Ren is Jacen, just with a different name. He tears into peoples thoughts! He stops a blaster bolt in mid flight! He has temper tantrums (LOL)!!! He is delightfully in love with his grandfather.
I only can imagine what Anakin's Force ghost is thinking: "dumbass"!
The other two newcomers are the very brave Finn who defects from the First Order after being trained from birth to do one thing, be a stormtrooper. And the best damn pilot in the galaxy Poe Dameron who is one part Jag Fel well maybe even this tiny smidge of Kyp Durron (his parents were rebels) if Kyp never had the darkness to haunt him.
The characters are interesting and well formed and the writing is not as hokey as any of the first 6 movies, and they all have plenty of snark (well Leia always had snark). The actors do well, the effects are believable (no more green screen crap fest).........BUT
You know how the expression goes: "good idea, poor execution" ? This is the opposite. The idea is a complete retell of "New Hope". The plot is the fail in this story. It just isn't fresh, it's just we are so thirsty for SW, we drank it right down. And the characters sell it as do the settings and the battles and the atmosphere, and seeing Leia and Han and Chewbacca all over again. But still, the weak spot of the whole thing is the very predictable and safe plot. :(
And if Rey isn't Luke's daughter I will lose it! This whole universe has one huge theme: family. Always has. This is the epic tale of the Skywalkers. That's just the way it is.
Will I buy the DVD? Absolutely and I will watch it no less than 3 times, but still....in my mind...
.....far away....is the world of Jaina and Jacen, of Tenel Ka, Kyp and Jag, and that tall man Zekk! They still will hold my heart for a very long time.
I have a type, and Oscar Isaac is it:

I've already seen the movie twice and I think that if you happen upon this blog then you have probably also done so.

I was thoroughly pleased and relieved after seeing the movie the first time. As a huge fan of the EU I already had a large world view of this special fantasy universe. I didn't need George Lucas to ruin it for me by declaring my favorite stories and characters
It's easy to see Rey and think "Jaina" and to see Kylo Ren and think "Jacen". Rey is so incredibly gifted, noble and courageous. She saves herself everytime and manages to not get injured at all (try that Katniss...oh queen of the medbay). Look at her shot! DEad center, he just deflects with his saber! It's her first time with a blaster!
I've never been so happy with a female character since Peggy Carter. In fact, I've always identified with the male characters, not this time, not at all! It was Rey I wanted to be! She is a super skilled pilot (she flies the Falcon and all I could think of was when Jaina stole the Vong ship and Han know it was her due to her skills). She has a Force vision. She uses the Force to block Kylo from her thoughts and she presses into his head, then she mind whammies a stormtrooper into letting her go! It's quite beautiful. And then she of course TK's the light saber and fights Kylo.....
It made me cry just a little to know that a strong female was written!!!!!

I only can imagine what Anakin's Force ghost is thinking: "dumbass"!
The other two newcomers are the very brave Finn who defects from the First Order after being trained from birth to do one thing, be a stormtrooper. And the best damn pilot in the galaxy Poe Dameron who is one part Jag Fel well maybe even this tiny smidge of Kyp Durron (his parents were rebels) if Kyp never had the darkness to haunt him.

You know how the expression goes: "good idea, poor execution" ? This is the opposite. The idea is a complete retell of "New Hope". The plot is the fail in this story. It just isn't fresh, it's just we are so thirsty for SW, we drank it right down. And the characters sell it as do the settings and the battles and the atmosphere, and seeing Leia and Han and Chewbacca all over again. But still, the weak spot of the whole thing is the very predictable and safe plot. :(
And if Rey isn't Luke's daughter I will lose it! This whole universe has one huge theme: family. Always has. This is the epic tale of the Skywalkers. That's just the way it is.
Will I buy the DVD? Absolutely and I will watch it no less than 3 times, but still....in my mind...
.....far away....is the world of Jaina and Jacen, of Tenel Ka, Kyp and Jag, and that tall man Zekk! They still will hold my heart for a very long time.
I have a type, and Oscar Isaac is it:
These pictures aren't mine nor are they for profit. Enjoy!
Monday, July 20, 2015
A year later and there is more to say
So! Fandom! Always interesting. I'd say I am definitely a Marvel fan. I just saw Antman two days ago and it was surprisingly good. It was funny with a heart, but it also nicely tied into the rest of the Marvel world. It also made social commentary about recidivism for felons and the difficulties of being a parent when an excon.
And Scott Lang, Antman, is going to be in next year's Captain America: Civil War. I am pretty sure as Cap's (and by extension, Bucky's ally). So what we know from Antman is helping me to speculate about Civil War.
So let's go:
Here are the facts: Captain America: Civil War Plot
And Scott Lang, Antman, is going to be in next year's Captain America: Civil War. I am pretty sure as Cap's (and by extension, Bucky's ally). So what we know from Antman is helping me to speculate about Civil War.
So let's go:
Here are the facts: Captain America: Civil War Plot
Captain America: Civil War plot picks up where Avengers: Age of Ultron left off, as Steve Rogers leads the new team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. After another international incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability and a governing body to determine when to enlist the services of the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers while they try to protect the world from a new and nefarious villain.
And the rest of the facts are that Bucky and Steve's relationship will be explored and by the end of the movie: "Bucky needs to get people on his side because his role is about to get larger."
So, what does this mean?
I think the movie will start with two things, Peggy Carter's funeral and then the new Avengers in Wakenda trying to do the right thing, but failing when Crossbones attacks. After this, somehow, I think Steve and Sam find Bucky. Based on the teaser end credit, Steve almost looks mad at Bucky. You would think for the first time seeing the guy he'd be more excited, or even worried about the state that his friend is in. However, the piece we were shown is out of context and also may not be the cut used in the movie next year.
First we have Bucky looking at his WW2 picture and looking resolved that he is going to hunt down Hydra to the last man and end them. Then, one to two years later he looks tired and a bit defeated. Maybe being a one man army is not enough. He does seem to ask Steve for help.
I think if the movie is to go anywhere in 2 hours they will have to start with Bucky being at least semi-stable and with some memories returned. There is not enough time to slowly explore his healing. We have to assume in the 1-2 years since he escaped Hydra he has taken fairly good care of himself and has succeeded some in finding a new path. The movie will likely explore how he and Steve reconcile and create a new relationship.
I think that Scott Lang will help Bucky. Scott is an electrical engineer who can fix any arm issues (that fanfic relegate to Tony Stark who will definitely NOT be team Bucky). Scott knows all about wanting a second chance and being seen as the good guy. It's canon that Sam Wilson looked for Scott at the end of the movie, we can assume to help with Bucky.
So what else might happen in this delicious movie?
Black Panther is introduced! Hard to say for how long. People are often in the credits but only in the movie for a minute or two. Lots of other Avengers are in it, but again, only for a battle or two? Remember, this is where we are headed:
Ugh! Too much of tease without any info! I can't wait until May!
Thursday, August 07, 2014
Later in the Summer and it's still all about Bucky, with a little Natasha added in...
Seriously, I have an addictive personality. After watching the movie "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" a record 4 times in the theatre I got into the comics. It was a good run. James Buchanan Barnes gets a great story and also a romance with Natasha. Some highlights:
The movie is different in some ways that are better. such as Steve and Bucky being childhood friends. I think that long deep relationship is the secret to Steve getting through the programming. However, in the movie, the writers chose to include Natasha and also a scene where the Winter Soldier chooses to go after her rather than Steve.
It would be nice if this was not just a nod to the comics, but also a hint of what might happen in the next movie. The two of them are cut from the same cloth. They could be good for each other.
Friday, June 06, 2014
Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers broke me
Just like Kyp Durron did in 2006 and like Supernatural did in 2008, the Winter Soldier owns my soul. The idea that a good man is captured by the enemy and tortured and mind manipulated into an assassin for the enemy....OMG...the feels!
And Steve wanders around lost. He's lost the two people he knew and loved the most...Bucky and Peggy. He meets Sam, who is the perfect balance of calm and sass and he works with Natasha! But he is really this stubborn guy with his own beliefs who will do things his way.
And Steve wanders around lost. He's lost the two people he knew and loved the most...Bucky and Peggy. He meets Sam, who is the perfect balance of calm and sass and he works with Natasha! But he is really this stubborn guy with his own beliefs who will do things his way.
And they fight. At first, Steve has no idea who he is up against.
The Winter Soldier has all his skills and strengths. Then he realizes...
His mind is so strong that despite the wipes he remembers his friend Steve. But it takes more than that to release him from his conditioning. Steve is too stubborn to let go and he makes the ultimate choice.
"I will not fight you!"
And then he remembers, and oh god the music is so heartbreaking and Steve falls to his death, but Bucky can't let that happen a second time. Can't let someone fall, he must protect Steve....and so he plunges into the Potomac.
End credits show a free Bucky at the Smithsonian, he's trying to view himself and he looks quite pensive.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Just another misunderstood anti-hero
I saw Captain America The Winter Soldier a week ago and became somewhat obsessed with Sebastian Stan the actor who plays Bucky Barnes. I like the idea that the character was once a totally good guy but that he got captured, tortured and brainwashed into an assassin. I love the idea that he could be redeemed due to the love of his friend.
Anyhow, this is the repository of my geek. So a few Winter Soldier gifs...
This is Bucky in WWII. He's already been experimented on...but he's just an American Soldier on a mission. Here he is shooting a sniper who had his sights on Steve. I love that they made Steve and Bucky best friends (early comics made Bucky into a scrawny teen who adored Steve) and equals.
Anyhow, this is the repository of my geek. So a few Winter Soldier gifs...
This is Bucky in WWII. He's already been experimented on...but he's just an American Soldier on a mission. Here he is shooting a sniper who had his sights on Steve. I love that they made Steve and Bucky best friends (early comics made Bucky into a scrawny teen who adored Steve) and equals.
Here, he looks just a bit...ruthless. His looks hint toward the man he will become:
The Winter Soldier when we first see him (standing in the street staring directly at Nick Fury).
There are a ton of fight scenes in the movie. In fact there is a lot more shooting, punching, running, driving, then there is dialogue. So the intensity of body language is key, especially for Sebastian Stan, who has few lines in the whole movie, yet lends a gravitas to the whole thing.
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"Who the hell is Bucky?" |
Everything changes when Steve realizes the Winter Soldier is his best friend. I am a sucker for that kinda of devotion.
Steve won't kill Bucky, he wants to break through to him, have him remember the good man he once was. Finally something does stop Bucky from delievering the killing blow. And when Steve falls to his death in the water, you just know that Bucky will remember just enough to jump in and save him.
I love this fanart from sandara at deviantart It's called The Light Before We Land.
I'm hoping that we get to see Bucky and Captain working together in the next movie.
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